I love that the cat could care less about the duck, he just wants to ride around on the little vacuum.
I love that the cat could care less about the duck, he just wants to ride around on the little vacuum.
Good, I kind of like North better, I know North West is a strange name but dear god I hated Kaidence.
Can someone explain to me kim and Kanye's baby name change? Was it always North? I thought it was Kaidence, or was that a lie?
She's amazing! (They're all amazing) But yeah.
Yes, if I was there neighbor and as soon as I saw that I would rush over there and try to clean it up. I don't know what removes spray paint from a house but damn it i'd try.
Wait! Huh?! I thought Kim Kardashian and Kanye's baby was named Kaidence. What is this North West bullshit going on?
I love it!
OMG! That is amazing! My dogs probably would have eaten then kittens.
I was in Girl Scouts for a little bit when I was about 7. We never did any outdoor activities, we had a sleepover and learned to sew. Sewing is cool and all, but I really wanted to go camping!
Boys will be boys!! Right?!
Agh! What did our parents do?!?! It reminds me of that Simpsons episode when Homer knows his name starts with a J but doesn't know what it stands for until he visits the hippies his mom used to hang out with. "From now on I'll be known as Homer JAY Simpson!!!"
Hahaha, what happens to me is people see my middle initial on something and then ask me what it stands for. I say "Kay" and they go "Yeah, but what does it stand for?" "KAAAY!"
I kind of agree with you. While I don't really like the name Cadence, It's just not for me. It's much nicer than Kaidence, Kaidence is just flipping ridiculous. I've always hated when families feel a need to give every person a name that starts with the same letter. I really really hate it.
I love using family names. We pass down the middle names of Aunts in our family. So when I have a daughter she gets my sister's middle name of Elaine, and her daughter will have my middle name, Kay.
Kaidence. Uuuugggghhhh.
My sister and I love this episode so much that we'll randomly yell "That's my purse! I don't know you!" to each other
If I were you I would never get rid of that tape! It seems to be such an important moment in your life with your dad.
Yeah, someone already explained it to me. Thanks!
i understand wanting to surprise him, but that was pretty stupid.
I can't believe you remembered all of that! I'm glad I know the entire story. Seriously, why would a 7 year old be allowed to go?