Errrrr. Nope.
Errrrr. Nope.
Seriously, what is that? I doubt he's hairless down there.
I made a lentil loaf last night and it was amazing! A little time consuming but the recipe made enough for 2 1/2 loaves, so I'm set for dinner for a few nights. Let me know if you want the recipe.
I would love to have my cat at my wedding, but I think she would hate being on a leash. I would however love to attend a wedding where I could spend the entire time playing with an animal. I wouldn't have to talk to a single person!
oh man how could I have missed that!?
Damn it Ryan Seacrest! Why must I agree with you so often!
Not weird. When you have places to go and 3 little girls that all need to shower it just makes more sense to toss them in the shower with you. Also my mom was fond of her baths and we only had one bathroom. So sometimes i'd have to pee and she'd be reading in the bath all naked. Didn't bother us at all.
Guys, I can't stop reading Prancercise as Pancreasise. I keep thinking it's some strange exercise to help your pancreas. Even though I know that's nuts.
I'm confused, she's riding a pony but also being pulled by a pony? How does this make sense?
Oh man this is so me and my bf, we call each other 'babe' but the cat gets all of the nicknames. Her name is Maeby but we call her everything from Mae, Maes, Mibble, Moo, Mibby, Mubsy, Maebelle, Mubble, Mibsy Magee and the most recent Maebelline.
I'll just leave this here.
This is awesome! I just treated myself to a fancy new bra yesterday! I knew the one I was currently wearing was a bit too big. It was a 36D and I knew I should be wearing a 34D, went and got sized and sure enough I needed a 34D. I can't even begin to tell you guys how amazing my boobs look now.
i always see commercials for that show when I'm watching Huluplus and there's one scene where there at a party for some girl named Lauren's birthday. Every time I see the commercial I yell "Happy Birthday LAUREN!" In the most obnoxious British accent i can manage. It's amazing!
I probably do not buy the right size, and attach to my bra?? Whaaaa?
I like how Spanx "curve" me out, but those stupid jerks never stay up. I'm constantly pulling at them.
This! I think I'll remember every gory disgusting detail of pushing a baby out of my vagina well enough on my own. I do NOT need to watch a video of it in the future.
Yeah those sandals make my feet and ankles ache.
I kind of feel bad for Kim Kardashian. It must suck to have people scrutinizing your every move and every freaking article of clothing you wear. Especially while you're pregnant. I bet all she wants to wear is comfy pants and a tshirt. Hell i'm not even pregnant and some days that's all I feel like wearing.
I like Ted too, I would like him a lot more if he shut up about Robin. I mean is he really that in love with her or is he just a sad lonely bastard?