Gail_von _Kleinenstein

Because you have to! I feel the same way about HIMYM and The Office. i don't laugh but I can't stop watching now when I know it's so close to being over.

I think the last season, season 9 will be them dating and eventually getting married. That's the only way i can see it being wrapped up.

All I can think about is eating that dish and finding a 3 foot long hair in it. It's probably just my culinary school training but damn girl! Pull that hair back! When I seriously cook or bake my hair is back and covered with a bandana. No body likes hair in their food!

I was terrified of cicada shells when I was little. And I do mean terrified! my sisters would chase me around the yard throwing them at me while I screamed at the top of my lungs.

thank you!

I guess I didn't think of that. But the answer is probably still a no. It really depends on the texture. If the texture was the same as regular meat I couldn't eat it. I enjoy that soy/veggie based fake meats have a different texture. If the texture was similar to a fake meat I would consider it, but still probably

What is Bunny Dip?

I'm a vegetarian so I feel pretty confident I can survive this zombie apocalypse. The only thing that would slow me down is carrying my cat around with me everywhere I go.

OMG! The Rescuers! Imagine them at a little prom for mice. With little plates of cheese and little glasses of punch. Ahhh!

What? Why? I don't understand. I mean, if it makes you happy??? I guess.

The only thing that really bugs me about pinterest is when one of my friends pins 48 pins related to one specific topic. I'm not kidding you somebody once pinned 48 Beauty and the Beats related pins in about 5 minutes. I hate to stop following people on it but damn! Come on!

Does lip balm count? I lose mine about every 3 months. Other than that I rarely lose makeup and am really lazy (poor) to replace it when you're supposed to. I've had the same crappy Covergirl blush for the past two+ years. Whaaat?!

I thought it was Blue Valentine. I watched it a few weeks ago, but I just can't place the scene.

These are amazing! What movie is that last Vine from?

I need them all!

Despite bills, being an adult is so much better than being a teenager. I hated teenagers when I was one!

my old roommate did. I am incredibly jealous of her.

Loooooove you! Any time someone mentions Delaware I immediately start quoting Wayne's World.

My mom had four kids, I don't know if it's easier than raising three. But once I showed up she definitely let more things slide. It was like she kind of threw up her hands and went "fuck all of this" I turned out ok though.

This is kind of unrelated, but do you know what commercial I hate. It's for some stupid teeth whitening product and this dumb brawd is sitting at a table going all gaga over some man. He could be mister right!? But first she has to get him to talk to her! And, the only way that's ever going to happen is if her teeth