
Holy shit, I just choked on my popcorn!

Because when a gay man enters a locker room, he turns into a lustful cockgobbler? I think you're a moron. That's just my feelings, though.

"Yes... a prank..."

I just don't see the porpoise in this.

I come from a large family of doctors (I'm Indian), and you'd be amazed at how many MDs don't follow their own advice. My dad and my sister are about the only ones I know that preach what they know. Seriously, I know a cardiothoracic surgeon who weighs more than Vince Wilfork, without all the muscle.

"What's a joke?"

TBD, yo!

I was there for that game. When Duke hit the 3 on that play I turned around and cheered in the faces of the L'ville fans behind us. All of a sudden players are dropping to the floor and all the video and audio shuts off and only the NCAA logo is displayed. We learned what happened when a guy with a radio played the

Holy shit! I just had to apologize to the people around me for laughing so hard!

I can read lips. Here's what he's saying"

Maybe he's calling to you know to charge your phone?

*Steve Young nudges you and gives you the stink eye*

Don't forget valet parking for all guests, fencing matches during timeouts, and those complimentary mini-binoculars on sticks for everyone above suite level.

Can we just make a rule where they all race in a Prius! Safe, environmentally-friendly, and best of all... silent! Those things don't make a peep! BALL'S IN YOUR COURT, NASCAR!

A completely silent 1,000,000 at that! (Lest we hear more complaints from the likes of Terafied)

"Home field advantage" doesn't involve an orchestrated effort to shut down play-calling.

I went to Super Bowl XLVI in Indy. Loved watching the Patriots lose to some dumb-luck throw by Manning, again. Saw Flava-Flav and Danny Devito. Best time of my life.

All he wanted to do was show solidarity with the Southerners for their right to bear arms.

Matinee, baby!

No, his initial calculation was correct, but his comment was worthless.