
The first time I introduced my then-girlfriend was when the three of us went to go see Girl With the Dragon Tattoo. The rape scene was awful (for many reasons). Thankfully, my mother was asleep throughout the whole scene (and most of the movie).

Tommy, that’s called a “Lone Star handshake!” Just a lil southern’ hospitality!

If I close my eyes, the audio sounds just like my mom after my father told her his job had transferred him to Cleveland.

Fall Blart: Stadium Cop

Paul Johnson’s swagger while walking off the field is just fantastic!

I hope it’s Singler. Don’t know why, but I just do. Probably asked her to wear a UNC jersey while she did it.

Guy to the right looks like Idris Elba.

It’s HIPAA. I work in pharmaceutical research and still, occasionally, get it wrong.

Goodell refused to suspend him due to his, “masterful performance in my favorite movie of all time, Pixels.”

I have a old friend who works in finance, and when he came back into town, we went out for dinner. After dinner he watched me tip and asked if I tipped based on the final total. Confused, I asked him what else would I do. He said he always tips based on the subtotal (before tax), and it’s dumb to do it any other way.

Here’s to another 10 years! Cheers!

How do you feel about Gregg Easterbrook?

Where was the fine money supposed to go?

Buy/read The Kite Runner. Although, it went from $5.80ish to $7 after I accidentally closed the page and reopened in another tab. What’s that about?

Buy/read The Kite Runner. Although, it went from $5.80ish to $7 after I accidentally closed the page and reopened in

Doesn’t having The Vision on one side make this really lopsided? I mean, he’s The Vision!!!

Gore me once, shame on you. Gore me twice... well maybe I’m not so good at this.

Neither. It’s actually Anthony Davis’s eyebrow.

They’ll have a strong lead-in audience if they air this after Game of Thrones. Maybe even tie True Detective into SS. Have Rust Cohle come on and give the philosophical rambling of the week.

What is the most advanced fitness tracker?

What is the most advanced fitness tracker?

Isn’t it an automatic red card if you touch the head/neck area?