either way, the victim didn't feel the need to show the world how much of a badass he is with his SOG Nighthawk, and things worked out just fine. by keeping his cool, he was able to go home and upload this video and have a laugh at this dickhead. your idea would mean hours of questioning and paperwork at the local…
I never could comprehend why so many drivers will tailgate another driver for no reason.In case they don't know,this is a serious act of aggression and some people react accordingly.
I have a conceal permit too. I just don't try to think of it as a solution for every obnoxious or unhinged person I encounter. And before you say it, yes, I read all your posts. Nothing there that dissuades me from thinking you are a man with a hammer who only sees nails all around him.
No need for the novel defending your views, my response was to this :
license# 848 9553
Veiled insult aside, I think he makes a fine point. A 10mm round is going to go straight through that guy, or you could miss, he could duck, or any of a thousand different scenarios where your bullet hits more than its intended target. And you don't need an armor piercing round to go through someone's windshield, or…
Requesting the same game time footage from Boston living room cams, please? Pretty pleeeease?
While I agree with your sentiments, I doubt you'd be able to find a clear backdrop for a safe shot ON A CROWDED FREEWAY. I do hope this comes into consideration prior to pulling the trigger, or I would have to argue that Texas must hand out CCWs to even the most irrational of people.
I love watching guy in black t-shirt (center-right) wander from screen to screen with his head like a confused giraffe, and then realize what was happening a second before everyone else at 1:08. Priceless facial expressions.
Well done for getting yourself out the way... the correct response whenever anyone freaks out and threatens you in a public place is to remove yourself from the situation if you can, too many people escalate a situation by trying to be the hard man..
Although, if anyone threatens you in your own home, or puts you in a…
I can handle myself in a fight but luckily I've acquired enough years to know that means nothing if "Mr. Just Lost His Job", or "Ran Out of Lithium" has a crowbar or a 9mm in the glovebox.
The guy was actually beaten up later by a Twins fan after he was overheard comparing Kirby Puckett to Mike Wazowski.
I agree with you, but then if the other guy has a gun and is willing to use it, that could get hectic! Contrary to the NRA's dictum, a well-armed society is NOT a safe one, its having arms when no one else does that makes you safer (and knowng how to use them)
Yeah, that sounds like an amazing idea. Instead of distancing yourself from the situation, it would be best to get out of your car, in the middle of freeway traffic, to wave a weapon around at some guy, who is probably seriously messed up, just to see who has the highest testosterone level and to basically see if he…
You never know when you'll run across someone who isn't just experiencing road rage but is having a full on life crisis / meltdown/ psychotic break.
Yes, because escalating the situation is always a good idea.
“Can you imagine, you’re out to dinner with your wife, your four kids and your mother-in-law, and someone calls you the N-word and starts to get physical?”
I think that extends to all Hummer owners, not just that of the H3.