Take his license, crush his car and make him watch.
Take his license, crush his car and make him watch.
This indirectly is Twitch asking artists to have their work reviewed by the ESRB. That’s a weird path to have your nude art considered legitimate.
This is why you can’t “win” an argument with conspiracy freaks. Because anything can be distorted into “nefarious evidence” in their pointy little heads. And why, even when Snopes and other genuine fact-checkers clearly point out that it’s laughingly manufactured bullshit, it’s just another part of the conspiracy.
Behaving like the asshole kid in middle school is literally the base of the GOP now.
You can’t tell fact from fiction, or laughter from anger.
Dozens of replies proving my point. 😂
Must be fun living in your own reality.
Liberals shrugging our shoulders because we know that a certain crowd always shows up for these movies. There’s been a long history of right wing pastors pumping up these movies to their gullible congregations and getting them to show up in the top 10 for a week or two. It’s nothing new. Kirk Cameron has been doing it…
Which cool, spend money how you please but equating this concept to box office success just aint it.
My brother in christ, the only reason I’ve even heard of this movie is because conservatives are filling their diapers about it
Man if this isnt nail on head...
I just love the idea that this dude thinks any significant number of adults care even a little bit about ::checks notes:: “the astroturfed success of a commercial product.”
Like, maybe he gets mad about “liboral” shit succeeding, but much of the rest of the waking world isn’t nearly so pathetic?
They’ve become so lazy/demoralized post-Trump. It used to be rightoids actually made liberals mad, now they have to pretend liberals are mad. Sad!
Rightoids pretending liberals (or anyone) give a single shit about this turkey
This movie is “succeeding” the same way that L Ron Hubbard books sells.
lol it’s not a success, the numbers are wayyyyyy juiced up by the “pay it forward” bullshit they’re begging folks to do at the end. tons of reports of nearly empty theaters, but y’all hate to see anything that contradicts your insane worldview
Conservatives believing literally any stupid shit.
Wow, that was some quality victim blaming here. This news wasn’t atrocious enough without psychopathic commenters rearing their heads up I guess...
Funny how so many people who get upset at "cancel culture" are fiscal conservatives who worship at the altar of The Free Market. Guess what, jagoff? The market decided they think you're an asshole. Still think it's so great?