It looks like it’s a new computer/fresh install and he’s switching away from the shitty new browser that Microsoft tries to pretend isn’t just IE all over again. The pop-up is trying to prevent him from changing it.
It looks like it’s a new computer/fresh install and he’s switching away from the shitty new browser that Microsoft tries to pretend isn’t just IE all over again. The pop-up is trying to prevent him from changing it.
Considering Genghis Kahn was at best a violent and brutal, and at worst genocidal, expansionist, I don’t think it’s fair for Mongolians to impose their reverence for this figure on others.
It’s pretty well established that conservative causes choose their female spokespersons by criteria that don’t require them to be personable (or, for that matter, particularly knowledgeable or honest). They want girls who are as combative as they are fuckable—and they better be very combative.
Think about this for a second. Dana Loesch is NRA spokesperson because she was THE MOST PERSONABLE INDIVIDUAL THEY COULD FIND TO DEFEND THEIR BULLSHIT.
I feel awful for poor Ginsburg not being able to retire because of Trump.
It says that 40+ years of republicans telling them there is no greater crime than being a democrat (and that democrat = aetheist, amoral, baby killers) has paid off. How do you fight that? Not being a jerk but I genuinely don’t know how to convince someone who thinks we are Satan incarnate that we are not.
Yep. Look at the hue and cry the Fox News crowd is raising over a 1-minute news segment with Sheppard Smith simply relaying some facts about Uranium One. They’re ready to lynch the guy for simply stating a few irrefutable facts about that deal.
Exactly this. You have the President of the US cozying up to a Russian dictator while portraying the Democrats, the American press, and his own government agencies as “the enemy.”
They really are that racist.
I agree. The voters should have a say in SCOTUS appointments, through their votes for President. Let the next elected President appoint judges.
Eh, I’d say it speaks less to the failure of Democrats than the success of the right-wing propaganda machine. The GOP really should have crumbled after Nixon, but the rise of Fox News, combined with selling anti-abortion to previously apathetic protestants, and the charisma Ronald Reagan used to keep the Southern…
It says that 40+ years of republicans telling them there is no greater crime than being a democrat (and that democrat = aetheist, amoral, baby killers) has paid off. How do you fight that? Not being a jerk but I genuinely don’t know how to convince someone who thinks we are Satan incarnate that we are not.
If you’re concerned about buying from people with questionable backgrounds, Mercedes-Benz probably wasn’t a good choice in the first place.
From everything I read? It’s abortion, plain and simple. “Democrats are babykillers” is all a good 40% of their population wants to know.
Dear Gov. Ivey. I don’t believe that all people from Alabama think like Roy Moore and his followers. That said, I would never want to put a dime in the pocket of anyone who would vote for him, so to be sure I will never again visit your State or purchase a product that I know is built in Alabama until you and your…
This is disgusting and these people are cartoonishly monstrous. But, what does it say about the abject failure of the democrats that these morons would choose Roy Moore over anyone else just because they have a D after their name? I mean, my god.
The intervening black lady was the key to de-esclalation.. Experience rules.
Just because Mr. Wu didn’t want to press charges doesn’t mean the scumbag shouldn’t be named and shamed.
How is this guy not in jail?
Or in a psychiatric ward?
“especially for working moms.”