
Back in the 90s when I was young and stupid, a few friends and I walked on top of lava rocks all the way out to where the lava met the sea. It was a spectacular sight! However, we spent too long enjoying the view. It was almost dark when we tried to find our way back to solid land, and the landmarks we were so sure we

“Here he is floating on an underwater ice bed while the silhouette of a fellow diver breezes above him:”

*clicks Show pending*

There’s probably more leg room in the baggage compartment than a seat in coach

For me, it’s usually an inferior version of the loot I’m already wearing though... -___-

This, exactly. For the guy who made Prometheus to harp on suspension of belief...

Tesla has a “creep mode.” With it off, the car does not move unless you are pressing the accelerator. With it on, the car will behave more like an automatic transmission ICE vehicle at idle and will move slowly without pressing the accelerator.

That was a terrible joke and you should feel bad for writing it.

More like Damsung.

Be interesting to know how often pedal confusion occurs in different vehicle models.

The smoke would be dwarfed by what is coming out of the stacks. Plus ship bunker fires were expected and nothing to be alarmed about. The world was a different place 100 years ago.

You say that like it’s a bad thing.

It’s a first gen toyota celica, Tom

... do you know how mutation and evolution works? Honest question.

Sweet Jesus that statement is stupid. Selective breeding is not genetic modification. Unless you can point to an example of the Romans successfully breeding a tomato to a jellyfish, or the Han Dynasty crossing a scorpion with a cabbage stop using it. This is (nominally) a science website.

It’s dealer only for a good reason. Swimming with sharks. Absolutely not for hobbyists. All kinds of foul play. By the way, even if you have a dealer license, your Manheim agreement precludes you from buying cars there for personal use.

As soon as I read it I heard Morgan Freeman’s voice in my head:

Not even close. Airsoft are plastic balls, propelled slow enough to sting. BBs are steel balls and move slowish, but can penetrate skin. Pellet guns can kill Buffalo or elk in the higher powered models.

Rather then ask for a translation of this word salad, my old ass took the precious time to google this stuff. So...In context its pretty goddamn funny.