
Let's hope them trigger happy Ruskies don't decide to shoot it down...

Dude internet joy is like 63% gifs.

the surface pressure of this thing will be so small that it wont trigger any "normal" mines..

I hope they saved 15% by bundling their satellite and motorcycle insurance.

it's closed cell foam I.e.- "compartmentalized". So partially destroying a float will not deflate it.

Work for AT&T for 2 years. Everything they've said in this article is true with them too. 4-5 rep helpers for a call center or 400+. Being told to aggressively sell products to "make it harder for customers to cancel" (yep, you're reading that right) even for tech support. Convoluted cancellation procedures. Retention

I was on disability for mental health on and off for 2 years working as a tech support rep in a Comcast call center. I'm not alone, I knew many other reps that required a "mental holiday" to recover from the constant abuse. My not so illustrious career lasted about 5 years and ended August 2013. By the end of my time

it's true I am sure of it, I worked in the tech queue in sacramento for 3 years, I never went on stress leave but plenty did. You add the FMLA (family medical leave of absence) to the people on stress leave, it probably was close to 80 agents in any one day from 300 scheduled, who didn't come to work is why they

LOL I'm imagining Patrick's anger and frustration as he reads your reply, realizes he's made a complete fool of himself, and has to accept the best comeback he could possibly come up with now would basically be on the lines of, 'u mad bro?'

I have never understood why people yell at service reps. What is it going to accomplish? The person on the other end is a person. Yelling at people never puts them in a cooperative mode.

"75 percent of the DNA sequences in a new stool sample are unknown"

I worked in a TMob call center 5-6 years ago... The pay was actually decent (compared to all other local call centers and much better than other customer service), health benefits were off the chart awesome, and we got a good amount of paid time off... because the job was absolutely fucking awful with very difficult

Ok, way back when I worked for Convergys taking calls from Comcast customers, we certainly did receive ample training (3 weeks before taking a call) and did have a lot of supervision. I can't speak for other companies Comcast has contracted out but I certainly was more than qualified after training. Our supervisors

I can see my dog going to town on this.

Hit EJECT PatrickS! Quickly!

Need some ice for that burn, PatrickS?

Hoooo boy.

Difference is, with the lifetime of an LED being 10 to 100 times longer than an incandescent, you'd save money even if the LED wasn't way more energy efficient.