Yeah, I drove a ‘93 Altima @ 120 MPH for several hundred miles / week for several weeks without going through $4k worth of tires and brakes. Both these guys are full of shit.
Yeah, I drove a ‘93 Altima @ 120 MPH for several hundred miles / week for several weeks without going through $4k worth of tires and brakes. Both these guys are full of shit.
Hopefully all sides completely understand that it’s not a winnable nuclear conflict. The only outcome of that is the Northern Hemisphere (if not the world) becoming an apocalyptic uninhabitable hellscape. Best-case for whatever humanity survives would be getting set back about 10,000 years.
The United States has refused to no-first-use policy
A great example is the scare that the Mig-25 put into the West and the development of the technology behind the F-15 as a result.
I let my Volvo sit too long, about a month, and the start/stop lost function due to the SUPPORT battery draining. Required a trip to the dealer to learn this... that’s my problem. Overly complex systems that malfunction...
“...that technicians are required to be meticulous about engine maintenance and have redundant safety procedures built in”. True, but vague. In reality, the person performing maintenance on your engine, and aircraft, has obtained a professional license issued by the FAA that they earned either through a multi-year…
If you’re not getting a free trip to Thermal, I found Matt Farah’s video series very helpful.
Why does the brand matter? The Lyriq is cheaper than a Model Y. The BMW X5 and 330e are also included as well as few Volvos, FWIW.
Agreed. My wife wants us to pay extra for a plug-in hybrid on our next vehicle. I was dismayed to find that most plug-in vehicles are luxury SUV vehicles taking their mileage down from awful to merely bad. Way to save the environment!
Here are my new rules. Maybe I should call them the anti-Hummer rules:
Don’t count on it.
First, you can’t make a food desert worse. It’s already at its lowest point, and that’s because it’s a crime-ridden part of town where no one wants to open a business. Even if it wasn’t, we don’t put a full grocery store in every neighborhood in the city. The people who live in $1M condos on the east side also can’t…
Saw the pre-production model at their San Mateo California showroom as well. They are just stores in a mall. Saw one in Marina Del Rey and in Burlingame and there are quite a few more. Anyway Spoke with the rep and he said the battery packs and electric motors are all in house designs but the driver assistance tech…
The window that he took the photo through is tinted above a certain height.
Everyone in Australia already hates them. They were supposed to buy Holden’s old Lang-Lang proving ground last year then pulled out for no apparent reason. The amount of shady stories published about this company requires multiple filing cabinets.
I think of the Hyundai Pony when I read this, it was a terrible but cheap car, a girfriend had one that got stolen- why I a have no idea, she replaced it with a Porsche 944 and me with the venture capitalist who bought the 944
That was my first impression, too - very much like a semi-comedic dystopian sci-fi flick of some sort, or perhaps a James Bond script that didn’t make into development. Here’s the thing, though - Vietnam was a war torn developing country ruled by Communists after the War, and didn’t really get a whole lot further for…
Seems to me that’s what VinFast was expecting.