
1-year old, 3-inch, streaming dongle

filled my wife's gas tank. in exchange, she went into the back yard in her wedding dress, and played in the damn dirt while babbling like a baby (as per our agreement).

i paid my estranged uncle a nice chunk of change to walk back into my life like he never left, and piss on my white leather love seat.

Nuke em off he face of the planet, then ask any of the ones left if they still want the land, but to remember to keep the Geiger counter handy

The last humans alive... for not much longer.

new NASA protocol, all iss flights must have a combination of male and female astronauts in the case of a nuclear war.

blame doesn't heal a spinal cored, stop a bullet, or replace trust in men. it's a shitty world you must take that into consideration. Joe User is spot on!

#Irondome #dumbass

Aliens vs Predator 2: Return to Gaza


This is mainly Tel-Aviv area...not Gaza

Well, now I'm curious. What *is* the safest speed for a cyclist to be riding at when he's hit by a 3000 pound car at 30MPH?

Imagine being an astronaut on the ISS when all out nuclear war starts. The radio goes silent after a few weeks, and it begins to set in that you could possibly be one of the last humans alive. You have to decide if you want to risk returning to Earth during a nuclear winter or die in space.

I wonder what Syria and Iraq look like.

How insane would that be for the people in ISS to see mushroom clouds start popping up all over the planet knowing that soon they will be the last humans alive.

I was in a similar accident on a motorcycle - a driver was not paying enough attention and assaulted me with their automobile 10 months ago. I'm still recovering. I was going the proper speed, I was attentive and wearing all of the proper gear. It was not raining, but it was about to.

Oh fuck off.

I am not sure how going slower would have helped here. The car seems like it simply didn't see the cyclist. The same impact could have happened with the bicyclist traveling 5mph. It would just be the case that the car would basically run into the side of the bicyclist because its speed is so much greater than the

I can see explosions over Gaza, but where are the explosions over Israel?