Fuck off trolls

This was the first thing I was gonna do in the game; making him look like Walt.

OH BOO HOO "I'm a woman ,working in an empowering-to-women job, and i'm so insecure, and sensative, and scared"

Had to be posted eventually.

I'm very happy for them, but honestly, I couldn't help but cringe listening to him. He's a terrible singer.

god of pancakes and coffee


In 2020, racism will be prevalent, so instead of combining cultures, the world is set up into sectors, each with ten story tall walls of cement, one sector for african americans, and so on. The experiment works, as no races, creeds, colors, or religions clash and racism is destryoed forever. There are hundreds of

I found all three of these comments funny.

Yes, thank you Seth Mcfarlane's writing team.

Hmmm...Running from evil beings without souls programmed since creation to do horrible things? Sounds like the republican national convention all over again.

My last entry.


Hey, remember when this site was designed well with no giant bar of empty space on the left? Those were good times.

Now... It wasnt meant merely as a joke, perhaps a very Noir joke, but its more a reality of what occurs in todays Military... at least.. with the American military. I hope my point was taken and that this sort of crap needs to stop with the US military. America is better than that.

"They finally added women to Call of Duty Multiplayer....."

Why aren't you a huge Hollywood narrator yet?

I'm not sure if Allah promotes blowing up yourself. Satan, on the other hand, promotes a number of irresponsible behavior.