I've made one mistake, I will admit. I've disclosed my personal life to a website that only flames and surges on idiocy and arguementativeness.
I've made one mistake, I will admit. I've disclosed my personal life to a website that only flames and surges on idiocy and arguementativeness.
No , we didnt get engaged out of highschool. We've been dating for 2 years, or did. :)
I love my girl, and I did state that i am teaching her what i prefer, what i want from her, and she is in return, helping me to understand her needs and wants. You missed my entire message and chose to focus on specific words and sentences.
"Siri, talk dirty to me"
Let me field this question.... I found this topic very interesting ,because for once on gawker media, I can provide legitimate information on the topic! I am engaged to be married next year. My fiance and I currently live together and I have in some sence, began to train my woman... Now...I want to make perfectly…
Holy shit, a teenager that can spell, and likes quality games. Congrats for being educated in gaming and proper grammar. From an adult, your elder, take my advice. Don't knock up a girl your age. Use protection, always.
Must be an adopted son. Because no real parent would buy that for their son. Plus, I think she's a fucking transvestite lol. Always thought she was, or a hideous woman.
The ending... let me guess... He realizes there isn't many women left, so he has sex with the girl.
Let me make this obvious statement clear.
You are horrible, you killed an old woman who never existed. lol
There are two problems with the serial killer thing.
This is hillarious.
I thought it said "cosplay slut makes awesome outfit".
HAH! Great reference to a horrible movie.
I haven't played the game yet. BECAUSE ITS NOT ON PC! But I presume franklin is the black guys name, so i won't choose him. Black guys in games and movies, always seem to die first, or are the redshirts on star trek. I don't want to be allied with someone whos bound to get killed by a cop or something.
I read the main list (with the image) and I agree with every one, except implants arent a big deal for me. Like him, I am an old fashioned gentlemen. I don't have requirements, so much as I have preferences. He may set a high standard, but so what? There is nothing wrong with what he wants in a woman for the rest of…
space stations don't move, they stay put. if it has engines, its a fucking ship lol.
He should have been banned from something more... cruel.. by wisconsin standards... BANNING HIM FROM CHEESE!
Lol. Don't you get it people! Its a GTA GAME. No sublte interaction with the PO-LEECE can go unpunished or un noticed.