white supremacists and mexican drug cartels.... in a boardgame made in britain... with the title "oleg"...
white supremacists and mexican drug cartels.... in a boardgame made in britain... with the title "oleg"...
Oh god, MEME typo.
sexy girls. And that guy looks like bruce lee, but he's not dead, and in commercials for liquor companies!
Agreed. These are the folks I would probably make fun of with my friends when talking about it, but you can't help but appreciate the skill it takes to do it right. Plus, I've been to one comic con in my life and I was definitely the oddball.
Supergirl: "Oh I love how pointy your mask is.."
Anyone who found his joke funny, recommend this post. I found it funny!
Trash talk is such garbage.
Deeply hurt, yes.
Yes, I disagree. The bride and groom are not entitled to anything. If they spent a tonne of money on their wedding, that's on them. The responsibility for and the financial burden of that is on them entirely.
"Caught sleeping with a DS"
tea bagging?
I'm on the phone with them now! /s
Conspiracy theory: Blizzard is behind the hi-jacking to push 2-step authentication.