I can’t believe you really think that!
I can’t believe you really think that!
I’ve tried. They bitch and moan about friends lists, or other features of steam they think are important. And i’m over here, like you, wondering what the big deal is.
Yeah, I’m 100% with you. It’s got those floaty physics from bad phone games, and I hate those, but they’re a little bit tighter than in like 2-bit Cowboy. It’s fine. It’s got a cat, which is fine.
I do it just to irritate folks with post histories like yours—as it’s almost exclusively the “defend my right to be an asshole” types who feel the need to tone police others. ;)
Loot boxes and the like very clearly play on the natural human tendency to assume that our luck will turn if we try “just once more.” For folks with gambling/addiction issues, that compulsion can be incredibly powerful.
That said, the game doesn’t force you to spend money; whether it’s a hand of cards, a round of Keno,…
Mario can’t die.
Wait. So it looks good, it sounds good, it plays good, but the story and pacing didn’t work for you so this qualifies as a botched JRPG experiment?
You can do it Kirk! If you’ve already had a run where you got through phase 1 with all your health, then you are surely within spitting distance of victory.
I’ve been desperate for more Layton! I like the characters in this one, but, yeah, a lot of the puzzles have cheap twists.
Psh, I think it’s censorship. If someone accidentally puts something highly offensive in their game, they should leave it, as a testament to their avarice of creation in the face of infinite social interactions we call god.
Kotaku has never broken a Bethesda embargo. We were blacklisted for reporting on information that was leaked to us, not information that was under embargo. You clearly don’t know what you’re talking about, so why even comment?
They still can’t believe that there is a PS4 Slim out there.
I would’ve thought there’d be a lot of sexy goron fan art, but my Google image searches give me almost NOTHING! What’s wrong with people?!?
Schreier: How has the optimization been going? There’s so much going on and there are so many graphical effects that it must be tough to get a stable framerate on consoles.
Nah, i’ll wait, i like walking into new areas in the game.
You do not understand intellectual property law.
Riot added in a new base-level cost (250 gold) to switch between the specialized items junglers purchase to beef up their character for the game. This makes it prohibitively expensive for junglers to swap between different items depending on which one will make them best-suited to take out a specific monster.
Just switch to Victorian Cockney and turn the subtitles on.