Frosted Mini-Wheats

Melee competitive is so weird. They've twisted a game originally vast in scope and wide in appeal into a game with an ultra narrow scope (in terms of rules, stages, and viable fighters) and very narrow appeal. I'm not one bit surprised they're getting persnickity about a thing like this. Like, yeah of course they're

Every situation is different so we won’t know until we know. Looking into my Crystal ball here though, I will say that late mini delays on AAA games are usually not a good sign? Because it means that the game is busted enough to warrant throwing millions of dollars of marketing campaign into jeapordy. We’re close

Um, the Pokemon complainers called this thing”Dexit”. You know, comparing it to a disastrous right wing policy rooted in Xenophobia and lies. So... that connection already got made?

Now playing

Nope. Top down shooter starring Jack Frost, Pyro Jack, and Jack the Ripper. Think they got up to no good on Halloween or something? Take a glance at this:

Casablanca starring Humphrey Bogart. It's famous, so it won't be hard to track down.

I think you missed a genre in your “conversation between genres”. Action RPG loot collector. That is a direction that IGA incorporated into his Metroidvania games that other recent games in the genre largely have not. This game goes heavy into stats and lots of loot and lots of builds. It’s an angle that remains

It’s gone from EVO. It’s now entering the “Marvel vs Capcom 2" or “3rd Strike” era of great fighting games. There will always be a melee scene, but now it’s transitioning into a tiny enthusiast thing. I think that’s appropriate.

Actually it turns out that my non-gaming computer was just struggling with the graphics.  Game defaulted to max settings.  I really WAS playing it in slow motion.  About 60% speed I feel like.  Once I figured out what was going on I was able to fix it and the speed reset to normal Iga game.

Oh, so it’s a thing where move speed scales up through upgrades?  Thank. God.

I’m not too deep into the game (just entered the main castle) but doesn’t this game feel really slow? It weirdly reminds me less of Metroidvanias on the DS where we last saw Mr. IGA and more of Super Castlevania IV. Your character is very large on the screen, you move slowly, and you have full directional control over

I played through this full game start to finish today. I thought it was okay? But completely unremarkable. And there’s a lot of competition in this genre these days! To me the greatest merit of the game was that it was short and didn’t overstay its welcome. But I felt like all the individual elements (retro graphics,

Another slow week, more progress on the backlog. Just got done with a session on SMT Nocturne. That game is a bitch man. The encounter rate is brutal in that last dungeon. Also it feels like the compendium dries up in a big way past level 55. Very few fusion options.

Yep, it's a slow gaming week. Which means I'll be splitting my time between Boxboy and the neverending time sink of late game Xenoblade 2.

I'm very excited for HOB. It looks like exactly my sort of videogame. But I need to beat a game before I buy a game. That's the rule. Looks like I'll be putting quality time into either Firewatch or Yoku's Island Express on my days off work.

Okay, here’s the gameplan:

I don’t understand how this works. Nintendo has been doing this thing where external teams are doing heavy lifting on their first party games. Namco Bandai makes Smash, Koei Techmo makes Fire Emblem. How is this a good value for these other companies? Are they getting a cut of the profits? I don't understand the

I guess, here’s the positive spin. SE wants to keep making money on this thing. That’s the model for big games now. But most games do that with microtransactions, cosmetics, etc. Somehow Square Enix didn’t get the memo on that though. So they just kept on creating more and more unique game content to sell. They're

Meanwhile I've actually PLAYED the games since KH 2 but don't have a PS4. It feels bad.

Reggie has been doing this a long time. He's marketed weak lineups, he's marketed strong lineups. He's done thousands of interviews, live streams, and stage shows. To my memory, he's never slipped up ONCE. He lets nothing slip, he doesn't break composure. He's a pro.

I reckon it’s incorrect to look at NoA and NoE as 2/3rds of the company. They’re distribution arms. NoJ tells them what games are being made, which fiscal year they are to be released in, and provides assists with localization as needed. Beyond that... I mean, I imagine what happens is every year around May or June