Frosted Mini-Wheats

Honestly, I see where you're coming from, but I disagree. Silhouette is an important factor in character design, and those big honking ball shoulders give Samus one of the most distinctive. If you blacked out all detail from major characters, leaving only the silhouette outline, so many of them would be

So we're agreed that its the Republican's fault?

b-but that's not censorship... th-that's just his holier than thou opinion.

Collective nouns—in this case, Image Comics as a publisher—get treated as singular, no? No sarcasm; genuine question. I have an awful throbbing earache today.

That's pretty much the sad truth of it...

This is the real problem with the video game industry and internet/videogame culture as a whole. It's all a bunch of manchildren (myself included at times, I will freely admit). Any time someone disagrees, it creates this ridiculous behavior of becoming children. Children. Because an adult would deal with their

Anyone who can be "egged on" so easily, well... Let's just say that if this were actually happening, I'd be overjoyed. Phil Fish is a terrible person on many levels. That said, this is all a joke. Within a week he'll be back on twitter spouting nonsense, and Fez 2 is most certainly not cancelled.

Yes, because developing games means you are literally required to be insulted, mocked and treated like trash on a daily basis like Phil is.

Hell no let's make all the Zelda games look like Wind Waker!

You're looking at one factor in the equation. Customer value does not hinge on the game experience unless you choose to ignore the other variables in the equation. I'm going to keep this simple and too tired to retype everything after accidentally deleting everything: