
Hey do you by chance have any more pictures relating to not even once and meth?

The day that I can read the news without having to come across the name Donald Trump will be one of the happiest days of my life.

That is not true. Limiting access to guns will affect those who have a short-term down turn by removing a method with a high perceived level of certainty and short planning stage, much like limiting access to lethal drugs does.

That was unnecessary and kind of mean.

She sounds like she’s making a pretty solid argument for veterans to be denied access to guns.

“What if I got my puppy from a breeder in Canada?” A small child asked in the crowd.

Even if this is true, and I sort of think it is—at least the part about buying things, my wedding was still the best day of my life. I cannot explain how meaningful it was to have so many people who loved and cared about my husband and I in the same room dancing to Madonna. I had so much fun, and it was completely

This is what I came to say! You can call it school all the live long day but that won’t stop it actually being daycare. Kind of like how unintentionally naming your baby after a make believe racist doesn’t make your baby racist so you can probably just call him that.

I don’t know the plot of Star Wars VII, but lawd help these poor parents if Skywalker defects to the Dark Side.

How about a Fight Club?

Oh my god.

...And...? How can asking someone if they want to get married become "outdated"? Even in your scenario, one person has to bring up the topic - i.e. propose the idea.

Did you see the complete lack of cited resources?

I haven't seen these videos in forever, and I'm really struck with how fucking awesome and progressive Missy Elliot is/was. I mean, "Work It" is a pretty sexy song, and it's sung by a woman who is not only outside the cultural beauty standard, but equal parts masculine and feminine. I can't name another artist who


Do you know why the Packers are in the new movie? Because a group of them are huge fans of Pitch Perfect and kept tweeting about how much they loved it and how badly they wanted to be in the new movie. The producers saw the tweets and invited them to join the cast for a small part.

A little empathy goes a long way in this world, mon amie.

Yeah, this is totally about shaming and not the BF being a monster or the mother being a coward.

You clearly need to see Mandy Moore in Saved!, one of the greatest movies of all time.