Oh my God that's fascinating! I know Mystery, I watched his show when I was like.... 13. With the weird stupid hat?
Oh my God that's fascinating! I know Mystery, I watched his show when I was like.... 13. With the weird stupid hat?
In what context does The Game talk about Courtney Love?
It's inappropriate and unprofessional for actors to express their opinions? Would it be inappropriate and unprofessional for a plumber or an accountant or a writer?
That's an absurd comparison because President Obama is the President. He IS an expert on politics.
I don't think she's claiming to be an expert though.... I might tweet the same thing, it doesn't mean I think I'm an economist. She (and other celebrities) just happen to have a larger platform. I get it when they're making speeches on policy or whatever, but when they're just tweeting their opinions I don't…
Man you really have a hate on for celebrities.
Lisa Eldrige is AMAZING.
Honestly, I think I'm okay with that. Prisoners still have rights, and extended isolation violates them, as do the things that happen to pedophiles in prisons. Two wrongs don't make a right and all.
Oh yeah it's definitely very different. Male celebrities who get gendered backlash are getting it on the basis of who likes them, whereas female celebrities are getting on the basis of their own gender.
Yeah, if you think about it "manly men" celebrities that "manly men" like don't generally have a backlash the way others do and can more likely survive a backlash based on their actions.
She's 12? Don't worry about her. If she were 15 or 16, that'd be concerning, but she's so young. Pre-teens' emotions are really strong, and they just interpret the world in really intense and un-nuanced ways. I'm sure your little charge has some very black-and-white views on the really complicated subjects he likes to…
I dunno, I think you could argue that the backlash against some male celebrities actually is gendered. Backlash against male celebrities generally comes when it becomes clear that the majority of their fan base is teenage girls - and as we all know, anything teenage girls love is crap.
I would think it depends on the industry? If you're going from a company that produces a product to another company that produces a product, I bet it would be pretty easy to pick up regardless of product. But going from social networking to such a HUGE conglomerate.... I don't know.
What's the point of your comment about Kim's heels?
Yes me too! That's what I get for a hasty comment finger.
I did miss your last sentence and for that I apologize - I was reading on the run!
You..... don't understand insurance do you?
Hmmm I dunno. For some of them I can see how the physical part of it would be important. For Natalie and Anne particularly. I don't necessarily think they're mutually exclusive.
I dunno dude. I'm in Philly and people here LOVE Jimmy Johns.
I love that it's the Jimmy John's founder complaining. Have you ever been in one of their restaurants? It's so full of fake-anti-capitalist bullshit. Those mildly racist posters about meeting a Mexican man who taught the writer the value of not working so hard. The ones about how money isn't important. Bullshit…