
That is how it works, so the managers know which “disloyal” voice to fire. It is never about fixing errors, it is about silencing those who point errors out. 

In Los Angeles, many of the left turn sensors are set one-to-two cars back from the line. So if I’m needing a green arrow, I’ll stop on top of them if there are no cars lining up behind me.

Except a LOT of the people voting for Trump aren’t really being shit on. Many of them live perfectly comfortable and in many instances- privileged- lives. They live in perfectly normal houses, drive their over-sized jacked-up pickups, have adequate jobs, and so forth.

What’s changed is that for most of US history if

Maybe he should stop signaling left and then swerving to the right.

Found the cop.

Just the thing when you need to get to the Golden Corral right fuckin’ now!

Fake news. All cars blow up as soon as the falling off a cliff.

What rolls down stairs, alone or in pairs?

Cybertruck. Great vehicle, made in America the Cybertruck. Now they say it can be a boat, people say. Just last week people were saying electric cars and water don’t mix but now they are telling me Tesla figured it out. Great company Tesla. I’ve always been a fan of Tesla. Some people say I’m responsible for the

I bet they’re all capitalizing on the fact that Musk likes to cut staffing to the bone, and there probably just isn’t anyone around with the time to check on this crap. He was probably hoping the threat of being charged a $50k was enough. Clearly it wasn’t!

It’s safe to say this guy won’t be riding a bus again anytime soon.

“Hey honey, I need your signature on these papers so we can take out a second mortgage on the house. I finally found that ‘63 split-window coupe I’ve always wanted....

The Cobra is one car where I just don’t understand the appeal of owning an original. It’s one of the most replicated cars on the planet, so unless you’re at a museum or a high-end concours, everyone is just going to assume it’s a kit anyways. And in all likelihood the kit will be better made, whether it’s a

Donald Trump is an ignorant racist misogynistic bloviating orange windbag who is utterly incapable of speaking a single grain of truth. He is a petulant man-child who whines insufferably and incessantly when things don’t go his way. He cannot accept fault. That he was allowed within 10 miles of the White House at all

Government subsidies are a good way to modify the private market when said private market isn’t meeting essential demands. We know climate change is real, but the free market won’t be able to satisfy the demand to fix it. So we use subsidies to do so. We know that diesel is harmful for children to breathe, but the

The track is unique in that its 2.5 miles are subdivided into seven smaller tracks...” 

The 2.5 mile track is not subdivided into anything. The Streets of Willow is 100% separate (as are the other tracks). Also, it’s not “House Thief”.

Whut? A G35 being piloted in an irresponsible and unsafe manner?

That’s masquerading as a whale. It’s really a killer sub lurking off your port side.

Sorry but the Mark VIII is the best American luxury coupe and I would get one of those for this price (RWD and V8 as an American luxury coupe should be).