
Is it? Aren’t you a journalist? If so- maybe you should have actually read into what I just said before responding. Yes. Its worse. A whole. Fucking. Lot. Worse. Some 2.2 million ethnic Uighur muslims are currently either in camps or being used as slave labor to do everything from picking cotton, being forced to work

Our military budget is 820 billion, so why can’t we spend 15 billion investing in EV infrastructure and push development from U.S. automakers? At this point it seems like a national security issue. 

I think that’s Tesla

I mean, I bought a Ford Aspire for a mini-keg of Bell’s Oberon and a gift certificate for one (1) Wendy’s Baconator. And that was in a post-Cash-For-Clunkers world. It’s not impossible, though it is rare.

In his defense, he likely saw something coming....

The problem with hydrogen is that it doesn’t effectively solve much, if any, of the problems with ICE vehicles. Hydrogen is still primarily sourced from fossil fuels from Steam Methane Reformation and Coal Gasification, because its 3x cheaper to extract hydrogen these ways ($1-2/kg) than through the most cost

Are we sure this wasn’t due to tire air-pressure being 3lbs too low?

The biggest problem with that is the people who wanted this are too stupid to know why things are more expensive. They’ll be blaming Biden/Dems for the next 4 years for anything that goes wrong while praising Trump for anything that goes well in their life. Any real correlation or causation will be completely ignored. 

I like to think we will all win.

I rode in one of those with Bob Dole once.  If not for that, I’d forget that they existed.

because I’m not 5? or rich enough to be intentionally classless. 

Did expect serious comments here? Anyway, if the administration has any say, it’ll be some giant military vehicle to show off his “power”. 

Make America great again!

Without crypto, how am I going to buy drugs online?

I dunno, crypto seems to benefit some people. Especially if you’re a thief.

Brought a trailer to Bring a Trailer.

I’m curious about the five states requiring everything - what happens if you have an older car that was manufactured without a passenger side mirror? Do you have to retrofit one?

Simpsons did it:

“I’m too drunk to drive.  Wait, I shouldn’t listen to me, I’m drunk.”