
She actually slipped through a worm hole off Bermuda from the Warhammer universe.

Ha, I had a Nishika! Must have been a thrift store find...Had NO IDEA Vincent Price had anything to do with it. Ended up giving it to a friend last time I moved.

I used to live near this relic. That's the bow of the USS Northwestern, bombed during the Battle of Dutch Harbor(1942) and eventually scuttled at the top of Captain's Bay near Unalaska, AK. Originally launched in 18889. They really built stuff to last back then, didn't they?

And what they do...

Oh, I think we all know what'll happen when this thing pops it's cork....

Oil, schmoil, we got dinosaur turds!

Nothing in Demolition Man ever bears mentioning.

Talk about your dystopian futures....

Can I get some love for futurecars that actually existed?

Heh. I had a friend from there; she told me she bartended at Chet's Melody Lounge for a while but never got to see Mary. I was disappointed by that.

No par-lay-voo Ruskie, unfortunately.

If you happen on FIREFOX in the woods, on the other hand, you should definitely call...somebody.

This seems pretty epicly large to me...

Oh, sorry, I mis-read the question. I thought you wanted the most massive WASTE of space.

Here you go: two men who have basically Defined "Genre" for my entire life. Talk about classic roles! The Kurgan, Frankenstein's Monster, Hellboy, Vincent, innumerable pseudo-medievel characters who all appear to smell horrible, voice work for cartoons and games: The hell with six-degrees-of-Kevin-Bacon, it

And Goliath in Gargoyles!

Two of my sentimental favorites, whom I'm sure y'all recognize from at least one of their many, many genre roles.

That is the most succinct review of Abram's first Star Trek that I've yet seen:

Sorry, I meant to reply to you but I got sidetracked...

That's interesting. Most cartoon fandoms (non-anime) that I'm familiar with tend to be heavily sausage-centric, with two exceptions: Thundercats and Gargoyles. Both shows have extremely dedicated fanbases among both men and women. I'd say for Gargoyles it's pretty obvious why-if that show were on today, it would