
Clearly the family should have this information to do with it what they would - why tell the 28 year old woman who is constantly hanging out with the aforementioned dropped-heart? That would be cah-razy!

You've basically described a life-long goal - being on the eliptical while still being able to play video games. How did you master that? The bike seems far easier, but the eliptical would be more healthy...

Good point - Coraline is animated but it is stop-motion animation. I think the use of real objects to create a fantastical setting makes it even more congruent with 3D. Like you are being pulled into a tiny, real, and fake world all at once.

Unless this adaptation offers a scene wherein Jay Gatsby transforms into a giant, green-light spewing monster to fight Tom Buchanan, mecha-robot, I do not see how this will add to the experience.

Exactly. Although to be fair, it seems like he was irrational before and he's just as irrational now. If being shot and seeing his own wife's death were not enough to persuade him of the need for logic and thoughtfulness in politics, then I doubt some blogs attempting to shame him will either.

I hadn't realized that - I thought it was unusually bleak, but it made the movie really unique and shocking.

I have found that in Boston, line cutting is considered terribly rude and is called out immediately when it happens - by everyone. However, when I moved to the South I got the sneaking suspicion that calling out those people for being rude was considered more rude than cutting in line! Has anyone else noticed this,

I don't think his conclusion is "so what" - I think his conclusion is more to the effect of "a comparison of risks and negative effects is not enough to suggest policy implementation that limits the options and opportunities of individuals." Though I admit the conclusion for "what can we take from this" should be

For his birthday, God gave Jesus extreme consumerism, drunk driving, and terminal parents. Yay!

So others can lodge...complaints.

This may very well be a landslide victory...two awful song about two awful events, but we seem to be most offended that one takes a fake-christmas tragedy so seriously. Down with the shoes! DOWN WITH THE SHOES!

"While Tennant was the tenth actor to portray the Doctor, Miss Moffett’s father, Peter Davison was the fifth actor to play the Time Lord.

"My *#@! is part of me," Perry continued. "The *&#@! that I learned in my $%!*#@! upbringing will affect my governing."

Can't openly celebrate Christmas? Uh, I think someone took the phrase "Secret Santa" a bit too literally...

I like that you mention that Sigmund Freud created a basis for much of modern psychology. I think people often forget how much influence he had - and still has - on the field. Although the idea of "Freudian interpretations" still tend to be frowned upon by many as outdated and ill-applied, there ARE still many

You basically just summed up my experience as well. :) I would love to read that article, I absolutely encourage you to write it!

Zack does address this though (which I appreciated) with his second sentence "While treatment of queer women at such establishments is another article entirely..." I would love to read that article, though! :)

I have done both BUT if you put on spanx over tights it is 1) easier to get the spanx off and 2) easier to jostle it back into place should top-rolling down or general spanx-splosion occur.

Julia: I can't believe that all my life, I've tried to create some semblance of grace and style. Now I'm going to be remembered as that woman ...