
I think it’s as the article states as a “toxic mess”. It’s not just a possible untreated illness, but also those patriarchal ideas of what a “man” is and what he’s entitled to, as well as that notion of men not really “needing help”, when everyone does. Though I don’t have any answers either, really. :( Terrible and

Here she is with her adoptive parents.

No way she could have been purple. Purple people have been extinct since 1958.

oh noes

Also she is described as “your woman”

I think you might have a point if the “sexually-empowered” ones didn’t speak in tired cliches about their sexuality. It sounds like it’s written by a teenage boy guessing how the woman on his favorite webcam defends herself to her parents.

I probably scrutinized this show more than most, so your insistence that I “didn’t watch closely” is fucking insulting.

CF’s wife is only spoken about in terms of her rape. We don’t even see her.

Not a single woman was introduced outside of her place on the Fuckability Totem Pole. Not. A. Single. One.

A personal opinion pretty well supported, which makes it also a rebuttal. But please, don't let me stand in the way of your pedantry.

Right? I admittedly don’t watch the show but, from all the clips I’ve seen, it feels like the appeal is: “I do so enjoy water cooler conversations with my uninformed coworkers. If only someone could recreate that as a TV show.”

I really don’t understand how, at this point, anyone can argue that this wasn’t a performance and a gigantic con. Rachel Dolezal sued Howard for reverse racism. She told her family members “Don’t blow my cover.” These are not the words and actions of someone who truly identifies as a race other than their own (and

Tilda doesn’t have “sons” at that school. She helped develop the school for her twins: a boy and a girl.

The thing with Dolezal for me is that she once sued a university claiming they discriminated against her for being white and then made up hate mail when she was pretending to be black. I feel less like she genuinely wanted to be black as be part of a victimized group to better appear as a victimized person for

This sounds like a mature and well-reasoned position you’ve thought all the way through, lol


Whoever documented her shame and then put it on the internet deserves an eternity of public humiliations. I hope they crap themselves at work or on the metro or while on a first date. The universe should right this wrong. And I hope in their moment of embarrassment they realize that what they are experiencing is