While taking advanced statistical courses in my graduate program, Boy #1 just HAd to ask, because he had been WONDERING, you know? - “Is someone MAKING you take this course?” And later, “Oh you know StudentX? OHHHHHHH, he must be the one HELPING you!” Humiliating. It was very gratifying to hear the Prof. say I was her…
In response to chickening out re: the saltine challenge.
Poor Arby' a man from immolation, and he will still choose Taco Bell.
Really feel like you forgot the classic "Bitches love me/FUCK these bitches" mishmash of nonsense.
Ugh - as a Maine Coon cat and an active member of Cats Against Cat Calls, I am embarrassed for my entire species. Cat calls are not compliments, they are just shrill public requests for attention, subservience, and physical attention. Cats like that give us all a bad name. #notallcats.
Unfortunately, yes it did. I still have nightmares about it sometimes - I could never wear a neon yellow nightshirt again....and I had several (thanks, 80's fashion!) Your commitment to underwear seems completely appropriate, and I'm sure your future firefighter husband will appreciate it.
Erin, our underwear ideologies are matching up perfectly here. I always, always have to be wearing underwear. Is there a shower-appropriate underwear, for moments of not-vaginal-washing? Because I would wear those as well.
OH MY GOODNESS, the perfect intersection of deliciousness and Pride, hurray!
I'm sorry for saying that, I was upset because it seemed like you were completely dismissing my opinion, which is wrapped up in some really deep-set experiences with cancer. You find it manipulative and cynical, I found it valuable and interesting. Oh well, these things happen.
Thanks for linking to this, and also to rainbowdashcrash for bringing it up - I'm not a YouTube-r for Green, and I only read the book and saw the movie, so I had no idea the extent to which the book was based on a real person!
Well, it seems like they have that happen constantly with people in other movies, but somehow it's not as big an issue - maybe we aren't supposed to have that same experience when you have an oxygen tank? I disagree - yes, it's schlocky, but I don't think it's terrible.
What?! It's terrible to imagine or create a movie where kids with cancer have positive attributes?! Cassie, my opinion of you has just plummeted.
Goodness yes, it's so insulting.."Pfft! Like teenagers with cancer would ever be that kind and funny and smart and attractive I MEAN COME ON, we all know they are hateful, dumb little trolls."