
While taking advanced statistical courses in my graduate program, Boy #1 just HAd to ask, because he had been WONDERING, you know? - “Is someone MAKING you take this course?” And later, “Oh you know StudentX? OHHHHHHH, he must be the one HELPING you!” Humiliating. It was very gratifying to hear the Prof. say I was her

"Now, Faith, I don't find that sort of thing amusing. I'm a family man. Now, let's kill your little friend. Don't worry, I wouldn't ask you to do it. Not this early in the relationship. Besides, I think a vampire attack would look less suspicious, anyway. In the meantime, let's look at the rest of the apartment, huh?

My thoughts exactly - out of so many things to hate about JA, the fact that Kunis' character had no power to effect the plot was by far the most annoying. She was never expected to act, protect herself, protect others, or even have any consequences re: her choices; even when she ostensibly "mades" choices, they were

Poor Arby' a man from immolation, and he will still choose Taco Bell.

As an inquisitive seven year old, I would often look for old photo books under my grandmothers bed. One day, I looked under and found....all three of these books. First, let me express my terror upon moving a pair of old orthopedic shoes and seeing this:

Really feel like you forgot the classic "Bitches love me/FUCK these bitches" mishmash of nonsense.

At that line, my boyfriend looked HORRIFIED - until I explained that she did not say "babies." Would have been a bold disclosure, though...

Inigo Montoya: You are wonderful.

Ugh - as a Maine Coon cat and an active member of Cats Against Cat Calls, I am embarrassed for my entire species. Cat calls are not compliments, they are just shrill public requests for attention, subservience, and physical attention. Cats like that give us all a bad name. #notallcats.

That's great to hear from someone who is actually in the comic-book business - as a reader, I want to believe that's true, but often it is hard to tell if our pushes and pressure are making any difference.

Hi Kelly! This is so exciting, and I'm really glad i09 ran this interview - I had not heard of this project, but will definitely be purchasing the The Girl Who Would Be King on Amazon! I do have a said that, compared to 2008ish, that "the time was right for lady superheroes" in 2012. I'm wondering what

Oh, fun pseudo-science by the incredibly biased! I especially loved when this book took that "information" and added a few lines in like "Many Homosexuals end up wearing dippers just like babies". It's just way more accessible info here, you all. Dude has an entire chapter entitled "Homosexuality is a Predictable

Unfortunately, yes it did. I still have nightmares about it sometimes - I could never wear a neon yellow nightshirt again....and I had several (thanks, 80's fashion!) Your commitment to underwear seems completely appropriate, and I'm sure your future firefighter husband will appreciate it.