
I don't need to be wearing spanx to worry this will happen...I worry about this every time I wear tights in winter. And with good reason - trying wearing a slippery lined skirt and tights during a leg-numbing day. There is just no way to be warned that you are indecent - until a dear friend points it out.

I hope this movie is just one long allegory for the importance of a responsible, detailed IRB.

According to some sites, the movie name may have been changed when it was acquired by Lightning Entertainment...?

I have somewhat lighter brown eyes, and I have this problem too. Is there some equivalent surgery this guy can do that will add darker pigmentation to my eyes? That would be useful.

I think the term "ladies" doesn't always come off well in these instances - agree with your message, however. They are doing an amazing job at sticking up for their rights while damning those who are ignoring their plight.

Adorable Coda seems sort of...nonresponsive in general. You have to wonder if he was just doing his normal, lazy sleeping dog thing when some firefighters started making it real intimate.

The rolls are perfect...smushy little perfect rolls....maybe...maybe too perfect?

Sometimes I hate that I can't, I dunno, super-promote comments or something....hearted as an alternative.

I bet these Moms would be a lot happier if they were clutching Schweddy Balls instead of their pearls.

Great moment: myself and 2 other Woman's & Gender studies students all realizing, at the same time, that we don't actually pee out of our vaginas.

David Schreck, who posted this on his site Strategic Thoughts, also happened to write his doctoral thesis on "a mathematical model of discrimination against women in the labour force, specialized in mathematical economics and econometrics" ([]). Clearly he is now branching out into government as

Those must be like flats to her. Rock it, Gaga!

Hearted for the reference, as well as your clear affection for beauty and high art.

If my loved one's did this to my ashes, I would demand they become excellents shots before the hunt takes place. I want to be scattered within an animal damnit, not a random rock, that weird-shaped tree, or god-forbid in Uncle Patrick....

I had thought it went over fairly well too, and was surprised that the AV club review was quite scathing. I haven't watched it yet, but I am just wondering - one of their main gripes was that "McCarthy was totally front-and-center in this episode, mostly playing some variety of "obnoxious weirdo" but after one segment

I love when there's a tornado, and the men of my town form a protective barrier around me. Really makes me feel like a fancy lady.

I have a very similar's like all of a sudden, all you can think about is oral hygiene and smacky sounds and no, just no.

"Probably no male human being is spared the terrifying shock of threatened castration at the sight of the female genitals"

Alternative to legal action:

Your story is incredibly moving, and has inspired me to begin volunteering at a local Planned Parenthood in Austin...thank you for sharing this, it's an important perspective that emphasizes how terrible the purposefully tricky nature of these places is for individuals and all women.