This encapsulates everything I still love about the San Diego Chargers: Rivers, Gates, the powder blues, exciting offense ... and not a word about Dean Spanos, stadium deals, Los Angeles ... a non-snarky ‘thank you’ for this.
This encapsulates everything I still love about the San Diego Chargers: Rivers, Gates, the powder blues, exciting offense ... and not a word about Dean Spanos, stadium deals, Los Angeles ... a non-snarky ‘thank you’ for this.
The problem with cutting downforce is that teams find new and creative ways to keep levels as high as possible (rear blown diffusers, the entire 2009 Brawn GP car, etc.) - you have to either cut downforce by such a dramatic amount that car lap times are nowhere near competitive to what they once were (read: track…
When Tesla first hit the market, everyone sort of laughed that they were building an electric car off of a bunch of…
“This is a win you guys “
Double murder, huh? Well, professional baseball may be out of the question now, but he could always be a Super Bowl MVP.
MVP Baseball 2005 is number one and its not even close. I kept my xbox just so I could still play that game.
You been putting your tongue in the wrong ears.
I really wish one day they would just air the race in its entirety on one channel and be done with it.
Every time I meet a new Gary or the name comes up, I say it in that creepy way.
Garyyy... huwhaat?
I should have known better. I should have known that the fight would suck. I have lived long enough to know that the…
I'll watch Ferguson do pretty much anything. His Late Late Show was a bright spot in the barren wasteland that is late night TV.
Whoa! Let's not jump to conclusions. Not all Ravens are wife beaters and murderers.
Fared better than that poor kid Nationwide killed.
Mayweather: "Call me"