Philip has as many kids as Cromartie has baby mommas. But, no, Cromartie has more kids.
Philip has as many kids as Cromartie has baby mommas. But, no, Cromartie has more kids.
Angel Pagan is an oxymoron!!!
I like the ‘seriously smart people’ solution. Very F1.
At least he doesn't have to change clothes before he goes to bed.
Oooo, so San Diegoans could have not just Ron Burgandy and the NFL telling us to go fuck ourselves but also each and every player in the NFL. Billionaires fucking an entire city to make a few bucks, it’s the American way, makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
At least he still has all of his fingers.
Gunzerking dual Unkempt Harold’s is maniacal glee in video game form. All the things must die!
But she’s cute, so like you know...whatever. nbd
This. All this. Nothing but this.
I’m born and raised in SD and i feel it necessary to defend my people but uh...yeah...we’re a bunch of dude bro’s. Not only that, but SD is the Mecca of dude bro’s. This city imports it’s dude bro’s from all over the country. If you went to high school in Oklahoma, that one guy that was a total dude bro now goes to…
I’m half Hawaiian, half German and i look like just another white guy with a tan. I’m not particularly offended by this movie but i can understand why some people are. I was born and raised in San Diego so was never exposed to the anti-haole environment that exists on the islands, maybe this tempers my judgment or…
“How the fuck do we benefit from you knowing what strike zone we’re going to call on any given day?” Manny Gonzalez to Bryan Price
Only a man who spends 180 days in close proximity to 24 other men can keep a chin like that.
so a pitcher can do cartwheels and throw the pitch 10 feet away from home plate just as long as they started with their foot on the rubber?
Per the official MLB 2015 rulebook:
I’ll just say this, scouting one of the top QB’s in the draft as the 17th overall pick is simply due diligence. If Aaron Rodgers can fall to 24 and Russell Wilson to 75, it would be stupid not to work out guy that not everyone is completely sold on as a high 1st round pick.
Chin-nuts will do that to a man.
Holy shit! Maya Angelou has two times more teeth than a normal human being.
Cock it!