
I can take a direct flight from Seattle to Nashville in 4 hours or so. You gonna have a direct non-stop hyperloop line from Seattle to Nashville? Or every other major city combination? You’d have to make transfers, and those suck up vast amounts of time.

Sure, jet fuel has 12kWh/kg, but only about 1 kWh/kg reaches the fans. The rest is thrown out in waste heat and thrust too high and concentrated to efficiently move the plane forward. Gas turbines are pretty inefficient overall in the way they’re used in jets, but are as efficient as they can be made.

If we don’t have

Why? Did you think no one was working on replacing fossil fuel powered jets with battery powered ducted fan “jets”?

Am I the only one who thinks that in 2019 going on 2020, non-performance hybrids and BEVs just seem sad?

Especially after the grand introduction of the Mach-E?

I don’t get that either. I think turning gas cars into electrics is going to be the next great thing that drives people to modding cars. I really want to see this being done to Subarus for some reason. But gearheads whine that there’s no room to be a gearhead anymore when you can’t play with turbos, intercoolers and

I believe the current “universal” display is a giant tablet in the middle of the console. That’s what a Tesla Model 3 has.

1. Is it faster than taking a plane? (including arriving early and time getting through the TSA)
2. Is it cheaper than taking a plane by a large enough margin, for people to take it more often?
If the answer to those questions isn’t yes, then why is there even a discussion?

I thought EVs were supposed to be the end of “hot rodding”. Also, isn’t the current nomenclature “modding”?

When is someone going to come out with a 600 watt V8 outside speaker mod for EVs, and stolen BMW radio-engine sounds for inside?

The first time I saw a pic of that Bugatti, I thought “nice updated Trans Am” :)

I feel like the Tesla Truck was a troll. But easy to make if people really wanted it. Kind of reminds me of a really extreme Cadillac “Art and Science” thought project that could only be done with a single piece of folded cardboard.


I’m sorry to hear that under $60 requires breaking into the vacation fund. I’m glad to hear that there might be people with vacation funds, tho. I mean, that’s not bougie money like a Netgear Orbi.

First Gear: the patently anti-union Trump administration is investigating unions.

I don’t think anything done by that administration should be taken at face value by anyone, and should be viewed with the utmost cynicism.

The street cred this would yield would be substantial.

I don’t care who you are, this beats a Miata in the Jalop hierarchy.

Subaru’s whining seems to have found a sympathetic ear to help them launch the STI brand. But absolutely every aspect of this was predictable. If it had been easy and routine, there would be no point to this car at all.

Maybe some hopelessly naive executive with no experience in the exporting and importing side of the

You really need to channel your inner Doug Demuro on this one.’re a Jalop. You’re a new media journalist which includes social media. And that car will change your life for the better in every imaginable way.

I’d settle for the steering feel of the progressive electronic rack on my Focus ST. Over the years, I’ve found it gives me exactly as much feedback as I want. It also makes the car feel a lot like a go-kart, in the best way.

Is this thing utterly hideous from a side view? Because it seems like every view of this car is wide angle 3/4.

I like the idea. Though I’d really rather have a Focus RS Electric. It’s OK to raise it, throw on some plastic and call it a “Crossover” like a Crosstrek :)

On a test bed car, it’s a good way to find a ratio you like :)

Well sure, I’m considering buying a fully optioned Tesla Model 3. But I won’t, because I just can’t afford it.

They really needed to qualify those buyers to filter out those who would never be able to buy a brand new car because of student loan debt in the US.

People who represent rural areas but hate taxes and thus public transit, are banking on autonomous vehicles as their voting demographics age. It would also reduce drunk driving accidents, as there are no alternatives now other than not drinking or not leaving the house.

Another thing they can do is subsidize rural cell towers to crowd source. Right now there are 1/10th the number of towers needed. Most true rural roads not around farms, are dead zones. That will not help in data collection.