
Did you enjoy it? How was the noise level? I have a hard time sleeping anywhere there is a bunch of noise.

Wouldn’t a thorium LFTR be easier and cheaper?

“Scale up the manufacturing to lower costs, and you’ve got a winning commercial product.”’re saying that the woo-woo community that has been saying this for decades was right? eg:

“ which pretty quickly becomes nitrogen dioxide and a yellow/brown color. “

What’s with the exhaust? It it just dumping jet fuel on take off?

IMO it’s about the folded size. You can have a tiny entrance lead to a massive underground lair. The actual square meters of a game with all quests can be incredible with very little over world land mass.

Is that...a prostate stimulator on the end of that tail? Does it vibrate? I’m thinking there needs to be a live adult version of this.

Psychopaths hide behind good deeds to camouflage their nefarious needs. This seems more like a case of simpletons refusing to acknowledge that people living among them can suffer from severe forms of insanity.

You can’t CGI your way out of the need for legit attitude.

I can’t find it online for some reason. I’ll dig it up and check it out.

Have you red Dragon’s Egg by Forward?

I’m convinced my brain is trying to kill me. I can’t tell because I keep laughing at myself.

Old: Enhance

Boron seeding. Interesting...

I live in the bay area. If the small storm that just passed through Monday is an indicator of what Godzilla El Nino is bringing, it’s going to be epic.

Pure coincidence that I was just reading this:

I like how we puny humans have figured out how to make gold using particle accelerators. Previously only possible by colliding two friggin neutron stars together. Sometimes, humans do awesome things.

Rule 34: add yellow raincoats.

I lol’d :D. Great compilation job!