
[SPOILERS] I lost interest in the show when I realized a gaping flaw with the super power characterization of Jones: in order to twist case hardened steel like in the locks she effortlessly rips to shreds, her skin and body would have to be indestructible to withstand the insane PSI present.

Biggest gripe for the PC interface is the massively confusing key bindings. The VERY first thing you should do is move the E key away from ‘enter’. I’ve been in huge dogfights only to press the E key for a little too long and BOOM! I’m being ejected from my power armor.

Side note: I’m taking bets. How long before Vimeo sells out like YouTube?

So this is what triggered The Happening! *Franken ducks*

Hey, Freud has delusions and he made the headlines.

Don’t you mean Citizen license?

So, what’s the underlying thread here? It’s a good thing that we’re cremated back here on Earth so our remains don’t get turned into yet another martyr for yet another misogynistic religion?

Between this and Daredevil, I’m falling back in love with this whole genre.

He tells the story HE wants to read. I respect that. It just so happens that I really enjoy his taste.

I’ve never heard him speak. Now I have!

It’s hard being the reincarnation of Merlin. I would be eternally looking over my shoulder for my incest crazed, evil, witch, half-sister.

OH PLEASE GAWD make a movie about uncovering this movie 100 years from now and actually playing the movie in the movie. And the 100 year from now reality ends up being totally different than anything imagined 100 years in the movie’s past. THEN, include that film in the vault instead. Chronofilmception.

This is why I ignore positive reviews and go straight to the negative ones. That’s where you see more of the ugly and unvarnished truth.

Bourdain just needs to admit he’s got a thing for Fieri.

Thanks! It’s hard to keep all the extended lore straight in my head.

I THINK, but can’t remember exactly where, that those ships are built in a vast ring around an entire planet. MAYBE is was the Corellian shipyards? Some Star Wars uber-nerd needs to correct me.

It may not look like much, kid, but she’s packing a heavily modded and illegal military class 0.5 hyperdrive engine.

* Up and down: The mouse speed for vertical is screwed up. I need to adjust that in an INI somewhere?

NERD ALERT: Well, THESE variants adopted human DNA. So, yeah, they have fingernails among other traits that look like upright human bipedal forms.

It also turns out that aluminum and adhesives are way more important than I could have possibly imagined.