
The reception was low on FidoNet back in the day

I don’t know if it’s venereal, but I think George has some sort of neck-broadening disease...

Just because you’ve never had the good herpes doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. Jeez.

It really can’t be understated how much that show elevated the entire prequel “era” of Star Wars. When you take that universe that George set up and tell really, consistently good stories in it, you really start to love the universe itself a lot more. If you had asked me 8 years ago if I thought Clone Troopers and

Sure, herpes might be the best of the venereal diseases, but that does not mean that it is any good.

Thank you Clone Wars cartoon show

Nah, every discussion needs an Armond White; but you might be the only one who found it necessary to self-identify.

Best Sustained Hallucination Caught On Film

I am sad to hear he had a miserable time on set. Watching the film you get the sense that the entire thing was fueled by cocaine and other assorted chemicals.

This movie has aged better than my exes. Hi-yo!

“It’s being dumb to make a point” was the thesis of the entire article. The article you just commented on. Did you read the article?

and baby-having licenses!

I would like to know more.

Good point! Major Tom (or rather his skeletal corpse!) reappearing as an alien religious totem?

I haven’t been this obsessed with a music video since I was a kid.

Even when he admits to basically doing mercenary work for money (Crypto) it still comes out fantastic and chilling.

I’m a roytuh. You’re a roytuh. If you royt everoy doy, you’re a roytuh.

Unlike Frank Miller, I still respect Alan Moore. Sure I don’t like some of his works (From Hell basically came to a grinding halt midway through the story for a tour through Victorian England), but he doesn’t treat his readers like we’re idiots.

So General Zod fathered an Übermensch? Will Kieron Gillen be amused?