I wonder why scripts aren't passed around in a wiki format to the fans of the particular genre. The weaknesses of the plot and the Deus Ex's can be dealt with by the hive mind.
I wonder why scripts aren't passed around in a wiki format to the fans of the particular genre. The weaknesses of the plot and the Deus Ex's can be dealt with by the hive mind.
Don't dismiss Chariots of the gods to quickly. If the chariot is an asteroid and the package is amino-acids or primitive bacteria. Then the scenario is still somewhat true.
The directors cut...
The top 1% built the spaceship and gave it to the 99% to do the mission. But, that would mean the top 1% are really dumb. So none of this could have happened at all. It's an Idiocracy paradox.
I've seen demos from Nvidia that run on my poor old GTX 570 that look a hell of a lot better than this.
I remember them, but I never used one. Wouldn't it really interfere with the drop down blinders?
Now upgrade the suspension and add real brakes and you have one sexy hot momma.
You are too generous. I, on the other hand suggest a gantry crane. A big one.
You know what they say about re-makes. They all float.
At this point, I'm downright confused.
Hunh. Reminds me of the time the Old Globe Theater in San Diego was burned down. The rebuilt version was magnificent.
H^3. Let's get scientific.
Christ...she was LIVING Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas.
It was definitely meth salts.
I wonder if Semi's are required to use them now.
Side note: I used to live in San Diego in a two story apartment complex. My balcony was right next to a major thoroughfare for semi's. My balcony was COATED in black dust. Diesel is the future...yeah right.
Yeah, the dinner scene was great. The invisible man was a twit.
Number 4. Hyde tasting the alien flesh before being decimated is my all time favorite death. This tastes DELICIOUS!
I would love to see this guy attempt to interfere with a concert in progress. The blood. OMG the blood.
HOLY SHIT! This is not the news I was expecting when I got up. Man. What a bummer. But hey, 91 years is a damn good span. RIP! See you on the flip-side.