
They're lucky the munsters didn't eat the face off the producers.

Thinking the EXACT same thing :D

Same. Even the Adams family remake was enjoyable for me. I just like the chemistry.

Yeah, but I work with Zombies. When I'm not working, I want to see something different.

They never should have shown the alien craft taking off or crashing. That was f'king lame. Just f'king irresponsible. Also, my first rule of thumb about movies is this: the more spoilers and the more detail that is placed in those spoilers is a red flag that the movie is going to be lame. The best movies are the

I like it, but I prefer American Vampire. But then again, I'm starting to get really tired of Vampires. We need a new generic monster/villain.

Populous was my all time favorite. What memories.

Reminded me of Ghost in the Shell. That's a good thing.

The Island or the Matrix. No...the Matrix Island. Old skool: This Island Matrix.

He's saying no, but he's really thinking...

" and a new Metalocalpyse on Adult Swim, just after midnight"

Where the hell did you get that shower curtain? I WANT THAT! Well, not YOURS. I want one of my own. You know what I mean. I'm rambling aren't I?

You forgot to factor in the low cost of living due to mass production we enjoy today (Cosco, Walmart, Amazon, etc). 55K would be a huge chunk of change if we had to pay the true cost for the day to day products. In other words, leasing or buying something for 55K would have a monthly burden which would be too high

I liked the movie as it stood. It was great mindless entertainment. I don't get how some POS like Transformers makes it big and this didn't.

You would be correct if this were just a car. It's not. It's an incredibly expensive investment. I wouldn't want my genuine Cobra to go up in flames under any circumstance. Plus, I doubt the Cobra has air bags.

Almost 30 years on the road. Only two accidents. I'm not sure if accident avoidance is the best skill or accident execution.


If that car comes stock with an Alien, I want one shipped to my ex-wife immediately.

F'k me! number 6 would kill me in about 5 minutes. I wouldn't be able to keep my eyes on the road.

The murder of Kosh was pretty shocking. I think it was "Interludes and Examinations"