
I like you and I bet you are awesome to hang out with.

I went to see a screening of the second Boondock Saints film (for all its deep and obvious flaws, I have an abiding fondness for the original, entirely because of the gorgeous men and all the homoeroticism) that included a panel discussion with Troy Duffy and a few of the actors afterward. The move was so awful I

Your diet sounds so incredibly boring. No oil? No butter? No dairy of any kind? Salmon and chicken almost every day with the same veg? Fuck man, there are way tastier ways to lose weight. You don’t have to eat like that, it just makes it harder because it’s so fucking boring.

Dweebs these days...

They act like the teabagging hurt his feeling so bad that it had to be avenged...... talk about over dramatic.

Most Russian tank models use the model number based on the year when the tank was first assembled or something like that, hence the model: T34, T-55, etc. Unfortunately, they reserved only two digits for the model number, so they started to wrap around after year 2000. I think the naming scheme is an example of the

You are comparing apples and oranges. We may difficulty with a super-high-tech 5th generation fighter that is attempting to serve three service branches at once, but I’m pretty sure we can build a tank that can roll down a damned street without passing out.

It isn’t. And it won’t. We’ve been accepting schlubby men in sitcoms and in some instances even holding them up as sex symbols for years. The wife is always hot. She’s expected to be hot.

Except your point is flawed. You can’t compare building things that *nobody* has ever built, with building things we already built 30 years ago.

I see a lot of jokes but this is child’s play compared to the F-35 clusterfuck.

The Abrams is getting on in years a bit, isn’t it? Wonder if there’s a replacement in the stream. You know...something to rival the spending level of the F35 JSF?

Yep, i couldnt be happier that theyre protecting law abiding citizens who are enjoying their freedom. Im glad if theyre ever confronted with terrorists or any of these worthless pieces of shit trying to impede on our freedom, they’ll put a nice spread of bullets in them.

No matter how many times it happens, I am still flabbergasted that people could be driven on a suicidal murderous rampage because somebody drew a cartoon of their flying spaghetti monster.

“I wish I was unbeaten.”

Now playing

I was kind of seeing this guy for a while. I liked him a lot. We were in our twenties. He was an artsy weirdo musican type, and had been living with an older hippie chick who had two kids. They had recently broken up, and he didn’t have a specific place to live. He was moving out of their place but didn’t know where.

Tried to stay friends.

This was during the “pack your shit and get THE FUCK OUT OF HERE” part, but he was threatening to kill himself.

This appeals to what I think too many men think it means to treat women well. All that stuff about access to contraception and other aspects of equality doesn’t register with them. You don’t actually hit your wife? Congrats, you’re a fucking hero.

So it’s really a battle between Violent Douchebag and Hypocritical Asshole. I’m rooting for the rig to fall into a void.