
Apparently they didn’t listen to me. Every time I see that stupid “while you were away” I X’d out of it and then a pop up asked me if I liked that feature and I always said no. I hate that FB does this and I’ll probably use Twitter even less than I do now. I don’t care if I missed something. That’s how life works,

At my job the thermostats are just these metal wall plates about the size of a light switch (minus the switch). Some ladies in one of the buildings have been doing this for a while, putting an ice pack in a ziplock bag and then hanging it on the wall right over the wall plate.

What I’d like to ask David is what is Netflix doing to try to end territorial licensing. It’s freaking 2016, there is no good reason territorial licensing should exist anymore.

I think the main problem is this is the first time I’m hearing about Yahoo Screen. If I’d even known it existed I have checked it out, but they couldn’t have done a very good job marketing if I’m only hearing about it after it’s dead.

That’s the 1 main talent very successful people have: They know how to surround themselves with the right people to get things done.

I was at a place where at first the boss was great, totally hands off just popped into the IT shop a couple times a day to see how things were going. Then some internal changes happened in the IT dept and I think he started worrying about losing his job and he became one of the worst micro-managers I’ve ever

I’d say more likely is one studio passed on a script, then heard that another one had picked it up, so now it’s time to scramble to make their own.

I used to be Nike or nothing until I got some bad shin splints once. Went to a running specalist store in San Diego and had them map my foot and one of the shoes they recommended was from Brooks. I went with them and the shin splints went away almost immediately. Been a big fan of Brooks ever since.

My biggest question is when would I be able to jump on the new plan from Apple? I have a 6 Plus with Verizon that I got last November. Do I have to wait until my plan is up in 2016? Or could I just go trade in my 6 for a 6S now if I wanted?

It’s so cool to see something that I had a small part in creating end up on Gizmodo. I used to work for the company that created EMALS.

I think I’d be way too chicken to fly my really expensive drone out over open water like that.

I live by myself and in July I used 220GB. I never torrent, that’s all online gaming, Netflix, Youtube, etc. My average is around 150GB per month, and again, that’s just me. If I had a roommate you can see how we’d go over a 250GB cap pretty quickly. Luckily Comcast is not enforcing the cap in my area. I’ve heard they

This won’t really affect me at all. I tend to only buy stuff that is either sold by Amazon themselves or fulfilled by them from their warehouses.

I counted it as shipping. I rarely use the streaming video as it’s extremely annoying when they only offer 1 or 2 episodes for free and you have to pay for the rest. I’m a Prime member because I order enough crap from them that the savings in shipping over a year add up to far more than $100.

He’s dumping millions of essentially Ball Pit balls into a reservoir. Wouldn’t you be smiling, too? Seems like it would be kinda fun.

I don’t know. I guess I never thought of trying that.

I’ve been thinking about getting a USB fingerprint reader for my computer. Anyone got a good recommendation?

The new Start menu isn’t terrible, I just didn’t like having all the Metro apps and I felt it just made the start menu too big. If there wasn’t an alternative, I’d use it and get used to it. But since there is something else that gives the familiar feel back, I’d rather use that.

Jeff Bezos is literally sitting in his office right now reading ararapompia’s comment going “Shit! Well, I guess I’ll just back out and let Netflix take it instead.”

Honestly, Amazon Prime is worth the cost solely for the savings in shipping. The video content is just a bonus.