
Stardock has Start10 already available. I had the 30 day trial running on my Tech Preview install and it worked perfectly.

There was also a story about a guy who bought an apartment and the building right next door is a nightclub or music venue of some sorts that had been there for 20+ years and then he started bitching about the noise.

One of my favorite things about being out to see on an Aircraft carrier was going up topside very early in the morning to watch the dolphins play in front of the bow of the ship.

Amazon is about to build a big distribution center in the Twin Cities area, so I’m guessing we’ll get this same day delivery at some point.

What the hell happened to the 7” tablet? That is the best size for reading, and now that my original Nexus 7 is on it’s last legs I’ve been looking for a replacement and I can’t find a decent one.

I typed in “Send Directions” into the Google box and it just gave me a bunch of articles talking about this feature.

Brendan Eich was the CEO of Mozilla for about 11 days until he stepped down under increasing pressure. He made some very public comments and donated money to support Prop 8, which was the California proposition to define marriage as "between 1 and 1 woman" effectively banning gay marriage.

"There are multiple problems with the program, including the fact that China's artificial rain program is sucking up massive amounts of precious water"

"1080p is a fully realized standard now" I'm not so sure about that when the major TV networks still don't broadcast in 1080p. NBC, CBS and ABC all still only send out 1080i and Fox is still at 720p.

Yeah, but it's not really piracy, is it? These Aussies are paying Netflix, so the content providers are getting paid as well.

Here's another floating powerplant, nuclear this time:

That's just great. These two companies are fighting each other while their customers are the ones getting fucked over.

I don't even remember the password to my eBay account. I tried to reset it a few years back but the email address I had on file with them was no longer valid, and since I rarely used eBay anyway, I just gave up.

Of course, the downside to that is you'd be living in Texas...

Doesn't look like they have the FAKTUM cabinets anymore.

I knew a guy in the Navy who'd been struck 3 times.

We didn't have access to fancy trip planning apps back then, but when I was in the Navy and we pulled into a port, we'd get off the ship with the rest of the crew and watch everyone head in one direction (most likely to the nearest bar) and the people I hung out with would head in the opposite direction. Usually

I don't think any fish live in those reservoirs, as it's a post-treatment one. But, birds flying over are shitting into it, probably small creatures living nearby are drinking out of it, bathing in it and pissing/shitting into that reservoir.

On the ship when I was in the Navy I knew a guy who would drink the DI water. Most of the water we made was for drinking/cooking/etc, but a good chunk was make-up water for the steam plants (Nuke aircraft carrier, we lost ~250 gallons of water every time they launched a plane due to steam escaping from the catapults,