
What do you do when you get “Unable to check for updates” after installing the profile?

Why? Just don’t use it. It’s not hurting anything just being there on the PC. And it’s actually not that terrible any more now that we can use extensions with it. I have ublock origin, lastpass and RES all working with Edge.

“so you don’t end up accidentally launching the wrong one and, for instance, accidentally posting a personal status to the company Facebook page you also manage from your phone.”

Can’t see nudes with the Instagram app. Only reason to keep using Snapchat.

Ouch! Kind of a blow to the old ego, huh?

You know that an HOA isn’t the only thing that can do something about that, right? If people are blocking driveways or making the street too narrow, it’s a safety issue. Call the fucking police, contact your town’s government, that’s what they are there for. If it’s a public street, the local government can enforce

That’s not so much the case anymore. Try buying a house in a development newer than 20 years old and have it *NOT* have an HOA.

“ whatever my neighbor does that is law abiding is not my concern “ that’s the key point right there. Who cares what people are doing if it’s legal and if it’s not, that’s what the Police are for. 

Same here. on eHarmony you can see when someone viewed your profile. I’ve had several view it (probably after they saw I looked at theirs first) and then never get any further contact from them.

I think you are a bit off base with the 2nd letter. It sounds to me like it’s been more than just one date: “I’m trying to see her as much as possible before I have to make a decision” I think he just meant that the first date went really well (better than the 1st date with the ex) and they’ve continued to see each

Of course, nobody is mentioning the actual truth of this topic: The definition of what’s considered “Creepy” VASTLY depends on how attractive the guy is.

And I had the opposite: Was told my eyesight wasn’t bad enough to get Lasik. Of course, this was 10+ years ago so maybe I should ask again!

Actually, the home button is NOT dead considering 87.5% of Apple’s current lineup still has a home button...

I updated both my iPhone and iPad yesterday with absolutely no issues.

Since you can run some Android apps on ChromeOS now, can you run the Android version of Netflix?

Great timing on this article. I’m going to London in a few weeks and was thinking of downloading a bunch of stuff off Netflix for the flight. I have a 64GB tablet, so I probably don’t need the extra storage, but with SD cards being pretty cheap these days I thought about picking one up.

Exactly. It’s not chili, it’s spicy beef stew.

Back in HS I remember finding out I could go 75 miles in my 1981 Mustang after the fuel light came on.

I bought an electronic trap a few weeks ago. It’s fully enclosed, has a small twisty tunnel they enter and once they get to where the bait is, the metal plates on the floor quickly electrocute them. I caught one within a few days, just had to flip the cover open and dump it in the trash.

Can someone explain even further for those of us that don’t know the first thing about Excel? I don’t know how to do the SUM function thing.