
@resvrgam: No prob. Personally I prefer Atomic, it's pretty fast, has tabs, has a nice full screen mode that removes the address bar and whatnot. Safari is just awful in comparison.

@resvrgam: You're using your browser wrong. Get the Atomic browser or Opera on the iPad, both are vastly superior to Safari.

This would have come in handy when I was in Newcastle, England back in November. Got a couple inches of snow on the ground the day before I got up there on the train. Sidewalks were a mess, feet got soaked

@gigawings: That's true, didn't think about that.

Awesome story! A friend of mine is the Lead Character Artist for The Show, so I'm betting he was involved with the scans and getting Hans digitized into the game.

Aren't fully automatic weapons illegal for civilians?

Of course, this really doesn't stop gold farming or people from buying gold, just means that they'll use less secure methods to conduct the transactions. So Blizz has really done nothing except screw PayPal out of a lot of money.

@Alec: some people are just sticks in the mud when it comes to change

Hopefully he'll get to keep the free WP7 that Microsoft is giving him, since they (surprisingly) aren't being douches about it like Sony is.

@xXinsane1Xx: Just shows how ignorant you are of the situation. Geohot's custom firmware does *NOT* allow you to play pirated games. So there goes your argument right out the window.

@SynthOno: It would suck to live on the top floor right underneath the track, though.

@BWilde: might have more hair than him, too.

You could probably build something very similar with $15 in parts from Home Depot.

@lexbaby: What do you say we cut the chit-chat, A-HOLE?

I would probably order one of those, but seeing as I live in San Diego, I have absolutely no use for it.

@BrutishAcademic: I think you missed the point. They were pointing out that a free financial paper in the UK wouldn't likely be the place to break a big tech story, just like you wouldn't expect Gizmodo to have a huge scoop on the latest penny stock that's about to explode.

I didn't watch it, but yesterday afternoon we were joking at work that we should do a State of the Union drinking game. You take a shot every time the president says "bipartisan"

No. No, man. Shit, no, man. I believe you'd get your ass kicked sayin' something like that, man.