
If this is the way of the future, why doesn't OS X have TRIM support yet?

@Hotscot: Yeah, the world lost an extremely gifted and talented actor when he died.

Just show up for jury duty dressed like this....I'm sure you'll get released. (perhaps into the custody of the nearest mental facility, but hey, you'll get out of jury duty!)

Think we're getting to the point where there needs to be a standard for android phone hardware and the manufacturers need to make sure their phones meet that spec, much like on the PC, so that the software just runs and people can choose to run whatever version of Android they want. This will not happen any time soon

So basically it's the phone makers being greedy.

First Impression: Don't like it at all. It will take some getting used to. As others have mentioned, please turn off auto-play on embedded videos.

@Baboonski: Probably the same way most people called Diablo 2 an "MMO"

hmm, I've been using a Visa Check card from my credit union exclusively for years, rarely have had an issue. One time, the card info got lifted somehow and a bunch of weird charges appeared from far away from where I live. My Credit union refunded me the money and sent me a new card with a new number within a few

@k21t11: Are you sure about that? Trying it out means you'll be getting an emergency call in the middle of the night.....generally not a good thing by most standards.

At work we have a user who has some medical issues and she can't sit or stand for very long. For a while we had her cube set up so she had half the desk at standing height with a monitor and half at sitting height with a monitor so should could move back and forth. She moved to an office, so we got her a desk that

@D0rk: That's what I was thinking, too!

I would really like to see the penny go away and all prices rounded to the nearest 5 cents.

@Fvash: Must go faster! Must go faster!

@stalking_goat: I wouldn't think you'd really have a need to look behind you in a Time Trial event.

Kinda cool tip. I have 2 gmail accounts, so I just have my main one set up in Firefox and my other one set up in IE. Seems to work good for me so far.

This guy approves this message!

The problem with this is a lot of sites will not let you use non-standard characters. I even found a few sites that wouldn't let me use anything but numbers and letters, no special characters at all.

@aquajaws: Yes, you did. About 3 years. Welcome back, we were worried about you. I'd tell you what happened in the past 3 years, but honestly, so much has happened it would take far too long.