
I disagree with Nerf Now.

Life in Aggro is drawn really well.

No wonder they nuked the fan remake since it the fan remake looks better.

They’d have shut it down anyway.

Sort of? Outside Metroid Prime: Hunters, all Prime games have been the first person metroidvania games that people love. If a Metroid 5 was announced in the classic 2D style, it would be more exciting then a Prime announcement I think since the last one of those was... Metroid: Zero Mission.

It could be a little confusing to discuss in casual conversation on occasion, for sure. But I think it’s being blown out of proportion how it might affect sales and marketing.

I really wish they would have just called it Scorpio. It was already ingrained it gamers and sounds kinda cool. where their new name is confusing and generic garbage.

but is the performance increase worth losing out on better libraries on PC & PS4?

Just call it “THE X.” Sounds cooler. Especially in all caps.

Xbox one X $500

I’m rather amused that you round up the XOX’s retail price, but don’t round up the PS4P’s price. It’s almost like you want the difference to look like more than $100 or something.

I just don’t give much of a rip about 4K. I would much rather have the extra horsepower go toward guaranteeing flawless performance and then making lighting effects and stuff nicer. If the game looks and runs exactly the same, but just with more pixels thrown at it, I don’t really see the appeal.

There were some interesting looking games here and there, but I can’t say that conference did a whole lot to sell their new system. They’re REALLY counting on console people 1) thinking that 4K is really important and 2) actually trusting them at their somewhat vague words about its overall ability.

That is what I’ve been saying about Bioware since DA:I. I love that game but only because it nailed the characters and story. When Mass Effect Andromeda didn’t manage that (and the animations were bad) it obviously didn’t do so hot. Bioware needs to scale the fuck back and focus on what they’re good at for their RPG’s

No kidding, like I said in another comment, it feels like Bioware is selling out. I really, REALLY hate not being excited to play a Bioware game.

I’m just baffled at this. Bioware making a game that’s not an RPG is just... mindboggling. They’re one of the few devs with a strong pedigree in a single genre like that, to just so totally abandon it... yikes.

Yeah, and I’m stoked for Dragon Age 4, whenever that happens. I’m just kinda let down. This feels like Bioware selling out and doing the multiplayer loot based co-op nonsense. I’m so over that kind of game. It was never for me. I’m a single player guy and Bioware was always my go to. Now it looks like they’re joining

Okay, seriously, this is a Bioware game?

“Let’s make Destiny, but everyone is Iron Man.”