
Geoff was done with him about 2 seconds after his “fuck the oscars” rant.

If I were Woody or Buzz I wouldn’t complain. Woody gets to be surrounded by scantily-dressed busty anime chicks, and Buzz will probably get to hang out with a variety of mechas and other sci-fi stuff.

I like to believe that Liquid knew exactly what was going on (and what recessive/dominant actually mean), but he managed to delude himself (maybe with Psycho Mantis’ help?) into thinking recessive = bad and dominant = good. The genetics angle was right up his alley because it would allow him to both claim to be

I suppose this would be one of those situations where you can’t really judge the person without knowing them personally.

“Yeah, but can it go UNDER the water.” Regalia Type-U.

“The snows fall”

Don’t worry, by then we’ll all have those sweet coal miner jobs that pay $40 an hour without any training.

That still sounds too similar to “The S” though. =\

Well, I can’t speak for everyone, but my plan is to just buy 1 of all the highest-end gear and then play the games on whatever platform runs them best. I already have a high-end PC and a PS4 Pro. I’ve been holding off on getting an Xbox because I’ve been waiting for the Scorpio to drop (yeah, I think I’ll just keep

$100 is a small price to pay for the performance increase the Xbox One X brings to the table (jeez, it’s going to get tiring typing out that name).

Before the PS4 Pro came out a lot of people were saying they wanted an option to select either “4k/better graphics” or “performance”.

It’s not the guy who was in charge of the worst final fantasy. It’s the guy who was in charge of programming.

There very well could be a racial component to all of this. We don’t know the cop that did the shooting, so we have no record to review at the moment.

That would be a start. Unfortunately, I think that at this point in time most of the old cops are too set in their ways to accept the new view that “my life is less important than the lives of others”.

It’s not a false equivalence because the things I was comparing are not race & profession. The things being compared are the logic that group A uses to reach a conclusion vs the logic that group B uses to reach a conclusion. Logic vs Logic is a valid comparison, especially since I didn’t even have to change a single

There should be a federal organization that does nothing but investigate local/state law enforcement agencies.

I think your assessment of the situation is correct. Here’s my opinion on the matter:

The way you’re feeling right now is the same way racists feel about people of color.

I don’t think this is necessarily a racial issue. I think this is more of a “cops are trained to shoot first if they feel they are in any danger, real or otherwise”.

For Nintendo they do.