
I have no qualm with Geoff, but watching him uncomfortably try to shut that guy up in a polite way was glorious.

I feel the same, I was interested in the game but I feel like I’m less interested in it after watching that.

Yeah, I am not a fan of rants like this. His game looks cool, but swearing like that doesn’t help make gaming culture more mainstream.

Keighley had to get him off the screen before he inevitably took off his shirt and laid down on the stage.

I’m sure he just drank sizzurp, a codaine with soda concoction.

Look, I don’t want to be that guy but he wasn’t simply “refused entry” he didn’t have the proper paperwork to gain entry. Simply stating he was refused entry in the title implies there is some injustice or discrimination going on there.

honestly though considering how things play out that is probably the point. dominant and recessive genes dont matter and they were both equals with solid winning through experience rather than genetics.

Yeah, one of the few Kojima plot points that truly is nonsensical. Thematically, I 100% understand what he was going for, so I let it pass.

I’ve wondered about that scene in MGS for a while. the way Liquid talks about dominant and recessive genes seems to imply that dominant genes are all the good ones and recessive genes are all the bad ones but from what I understand about genetics that couldn’t be further from the truth. a person’s dominant and

The writing in the game was awful. The writing was so terrible that an NPC essentially admits to you that the writers couldn’t think of a good reason for representing viability with a points system. The game is specifically set in an entirely new galaxy so that it can be billed as an ME universe story unconnected to was still 100% playable.

People have tried moving against Floyd, but has anyone tried not moving?

This kind of mindset is dumb and amounts to “Just ignore the flaws and everything is good”. It doesn’t matter if the story goes nowhere and now will never go anywhere, it doesn’t matter if the semi-automated animation system was garbage that they knowingly released, and it doesn’t matter the game is buggy enough to

Any game could be GOTY material with more attention and polish. That sentiment means nothing.

Gamers killed a half-assed game, and they did good in doing so. They showed a giant dev that they can’t just throw shit at the wall of a popular IP and except money to pour off. Sure, ME was sacrificed for this, but the gaming community reacted in the best way possible. If you want people to pay for your product and

I will never understand this mindset. “Man, if only gamers had tolerated a product that didn’t meet their expectations we cold have gotten DLC.” While every criticism sure as hell isn’t valued, stop pretending that consumer desiring decent products is somehow indecent. “it was still 100% playable” Wow. Hot-damn. What

No one should be shocked after the disastrous launch.

I’m actually more startled that people still wear Penn State stuff than I am that people are sporting Nazi stuff. At least there’s a diagnosable, traceable ideology to Nazism and the Holocaust, of “I am better than you and will take what’s yours,” wrong as it objectively is. Penn State though, you’re just like, so

Eagerly awaiting Type-O for space travel

It appears you cannot drive the Type-D into a lake.