Is it time to drop Penny Arcade yet?
Is it time to drop Penny Arcade yet?
I’d take 30 seconds of a new Dead Space over 30 minutes of Star Wars. :c
If they meant “quality” in software development terms, it’s not the same as quality in every-day speech (which usually means, a good game).
He was the main programmer on Lightning Returns, not the director or lead developer or anything like that. So rest assured, Final Fantasy XIII’s legacy will not follow him.
Cc2 was going too fast. They showed SE the master disc, which made management furious. TOO SOON!
Always too soon for Steve :(
Pixel God Paul Robertson has drawn up an exhaustive catalogue of Australian Pokémon based on national foods,…
That’s half true. The real cause was that states (at one point) entering the union had the choice to be a slave state or a non-slave state. As time went on the “Anti Save States” pushed against that option and made it so that the majority of potential states being added to the union were going to be non-slave states.
You pass over the fact that Repubs and Dems switched sides starting around the end of the civil war, and that they are basically reversed now.
You know what would ‘train’ them to stop doing this? Throwing the asses of a few of them in prison.
And did he have the proper documents to cross the road? I don’t know that he did. And the media is ignoring the story. So we’re going to launch an investigation, and for the victims of illegal chickens crossing roads we’re going to set up a new government office, it’ll be fantastic, we’re calling it NUGGETS, it’s…
How do we know he’s racist and just not stupid, cocky and ill trained? His actions indicate all 3, but how do we make the leap that he’s racist solely because the kid that got shot and killed was black? If it was nighttime, did the officer actually have the ability to see inside the vehicle? Part of the problem is …
It is 9:15 AM on Monday morning and I am already in a sputtering fury. Aside from the whole being dead thing, Andrew Jackson made his money catching runaway slaves. He was fucking horrible human being by 19th Century American standards and that says a lot. If there is an America 100 years from now (and I wouldn’t…
And none of us in the black community can expect to see any justice for this. Our own government will be more concerned about the feelings of the state sanctioned killers than the victims. White people need to understand that when protesting doesn’t work and oppression and state sanctioned murder is continued to be…
I mean, I wasn’t there so I’m hesitant to presume but let’s go so far as to assume the cop was not a racist and not trying to murder anyone. Let’s say there were indeed gunshots prior to the incident. Let’s pretend it was an honest mistake. Even so...
Sounds more appealing than “Lettuce Leaves”
You know that bacon is cut from fatty parts of a pig’s belly right?