Obfuscatio: philosopher at large

Neither of those two is an SUV. One isn’t sporty and the other has no utility.

There’s nothing wrong with licking one’s own fingers.

First gear:
Sure! Let’s shake the beads over the cancer patient a little longer and see if they recover. I mean, just because the pulse is slow and thready and there’s a lot of gurgling/raspy noises going on when they breath should be no deterent to holding out faith a little longer. Yes, they’re supposed to be that

I would say that the Constitution does protect their speech but it’s a “pound of flesh without a single drop of blood” situation.

I hate Illinois Nazis.

Nope. Wrong.

“... the incompetent fuck face in the White House...”

At least they didn’t ask for the internet’s help on this.

I say potato and you say potato.

... the party has told Iowa Democratic activists it will not correct any faulty math recorded by volunteers in each precinct...

Nice concept, and I can’t help think that they all deserve it... but....

When all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail.

True... but let’s face it - most of the racism of late has been pretty fucking blatant.

“... And the award for “Most Subtle Racism” this year goes to...

“... And the award for “Most Subtle Racism” this year goes to...

“... And the award for “Most Subtle Racism” this year goes to...

“As the majority party for the first time in 26 years, Democrats are taking full advantage of their newfound power.”

No. Wait. Don’t tell me, let me guess....

The PR department noted that none of these will be available as corporate donations. That’s right - none will be given.

Nightmare fuel: Junior and Ivanka split the Trump base and we wind up with a Pence/Cruz ticket.