Obfuscatio: philosopher at large

Okay Number=Anyone But Me.

I cant get to the NYT article because it’s paywalled, but if you can’t celebrate Easter at home with your family, perhaps joining in to a church online, then YOU ARE NOT A CHRISTIAN. If you need the economy up and running to celebrate Easter, you are NOT A CHRISTIAN.

I had this exact argument with someone last week, and I totally agree.

I remember as a child thinking that the people who got in to positions of power had been vetted, earned their place and would tend to use their power in a fair and impartial manner.

And America elected Donald Trump. I have a hard time calling any country backwards after that suicidal act of pure stupidity.

“Yong Yow pointed the finger at NYPD, saying their refusal to hold Avendano-Hernandez past his release date “forced ICE officers to locate him on the streets of New York rather than in the safe confines of a jail.”

Are they ever?

Anytime old white folks dont like black style... They call it “gang related” or “distracting”

Tits are more offensive than guns.  Fuck this country.

Kanye West celebrated the first anniversary of his Sunday Service  tax avoidance grift

To see what the person who actually wrote it had to say

Someone with time and abilities tonight please photoshop that image of Ivanka in the car into other driving type situations - Santa’s sleigh at the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade, Driving Miss Daisy, Piloting the Titanic, whatever you can, please!

Well, Ivanka looks as good as her Dad... awkward as fuck around a motor vehicle. She even stands like a dolt, too.

This Barf Bag has made me angrier than any other in recent memory.  It physically hurts me to see the world turning this...   this...  THIS MOTHER EFFIN’ STUPID!  GOD DAMNIT ALL TO HELL!  MORONS!!!!  Halleuljah!  HOLY SHIT!  Wheres the Tylenol?!

Gizmodo: Plastics are ruining the Earth! Microplastics everywhere!!


Yeah, I know it’s a concept of a not-real thing for a simulator, but they put it on the least-paved surface possible. Assuming that astronaut could actually hop in and start it up a car on the moon, it would bottom out in no time.

It’s like when cargo ships that spend their entire time in space are shaped like anything other than a giant box or sphere