Nope. Wrong.
Nope. Wrong.
“... the incompetent fuck face in the White House...”
I say potato and you say potato.
... the party has told Iowa Democratic activists it will not correct any faulty math recorded by volunteers in each precinct...
Nice concept, and I can’t help think that they all deserve it... but....
When all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail.
True... but let’s face it - most of the racism of late has been pretty fucking blatant.
“... And the award for “Most Subtle Racism” this year goes to...
“... And the award for “Most Subtle Racism” this year goes to...
“... And the award for “Most Subtle Racism” this year goes to...
“As the majority party for the first time in 26 years, Democrats are taking full advantage of their newfound power.”
No. Wait. Don’t tell me, let me guess....
The PR department noted that none of these will be available as corporate donations. That’s right - none will be given.
Nightmare fuel: Junior and Ivanka split the Trump base and we wind up with a Pence/Cruz ticket.
If they’re going to retaliate, could they do something “in kind,” please? Like, maybe, snuff McTurtle? That would be handy about now.
This year I resolve to peace on the world.
Speaking as someone who does not live under American rule, that sure is one fucking huge list of folks who believe that enforced chidbirth is perfectly acceptable. (Some of whom, I’m sure, don’t give the slightest shit about risk to the mother, either.) “Oh, it’s all just so terrrrribly complicated to administer this…
Orange & Squinty can’t smile through the puzzlement of how to make money off of wishing others well.
Nope. ??
That would be a refreshing take on the “Burning Man” concept.