To be expected, I suppose, what with venture capitalist ownership, writers either fleeing or getting axed, Splinter disappearing completely in the middle of the night without notice or archive....
To be expected, I suppose, what with venture capitalist ownership, writers either fleeing or getting axed, Splinter disappearing completely in the middle of the night without notice or archive....
“It has come to our attention that an unauthorized video was shown in a side room at #AMPFest19. This video was not approved, seen or sanctioned by the #AMPFest19 organizers. The organizers of #AMPFest19 were not even aware of the video until they were contacted by the NYT.”
Hey, man. That ice cream was loaded (with yummy goodness) and she feared for her life! Y’know... clogged arteries, weight gain, diabetes, and such....
On the assumption my starring of you has been Kinja’d:
Arrested for loitering on one’s own property - private property, and no complaint to the police to instigate the arrest.
Referring to is not the same as naming. She didn’t name anyone. Who, exactly, was bullied who is not also a rapist?
What is this, Merica or a third-world country?!
Fuck it. I’d hold my nose and vote for Klobuchar if it came to that in the general.
1/2 oz. Bullshit - runny, bleached white
8 oz. Horse piss - fermented for 70 years
12 drops Tanning spray
1/2 oz. Used KFC deep fryer fat
Your master dealmaker at work, folks!
Maybe America still has a lot of work to do.
Third picture (at the very least.): Yeah, that looks like viable moat territory, what with water’s insistence on finding its own level and all.
And the Pope may have shit in the woods.
It’s truly sad that I didn’t recall this - one of my favorite movies.
“May” have lied?
I would prefer an elected GOVERNMENT, but what the fuck - a repeatedly elected president for life (because he’s outlawed the opposition) sounds pretty great.
Oh, my.
President Trump is the last hope for white people.
The line forms on the left.