Maybe I know a guy who has a loaner.
Maybe I know a guy who has a loaner.
Thought he was shot but heard no shot. (Because there wasn’t one.)
I smell a distinction without a difference.
Yeah, but the flamethrower is reusable and gasoline is less than half the price.
It remains to be seen whether or not they’ll blow it.
President Trump: “There was no pressure.”
I like the cut of your jib.
Nope. Neither, thanks.
He didn’t want the job.* He wanted to set up a cable channel devoted to complaining about whomever was in power. It would have had no political leaning other than “against.”
Let me guess. That’s a chicken sandwich he’s holding
It’s not the existence of royalty that makes us peasants. It’s the abject poverty.
It’s not the existence of royalty that makes us peasants. It’s the abject poverty.
Meh. Toss it on the pile of other shit he doesn’t believe:
The SENATE!?!?!? Did Mitch falling into a coma not make the news???
I’m getting quite tired of his 11-dimensional game of pin-the-tail-on-the-amoeba.
... all things being relative, of course, as we’re talking about a need to impeach the President of the United States of America.
It takes a week to release an unredacted transcript.
Trump could fuck up tic-tac-toe...
Is it not simply a feedback loop?
As sick burns go, that’s third degree Ebola.